Reviews for Of Humans and Fairies
nwyd chapter 22 . 1/21/2011
i love aiven3 hahaha. i simply adore your story:D pleasepleaseplease write more?
Gumdrop Boo - Ch4rms chapter 22 . 2/19/2010
You've probably died.

Or if you are out there, alive and whatnot I'm giving you my formal resignation of my interest in this story. I remember back in '04, I was in high school and when I saw you had a new chapter up, it was like Christmas. Your story was the first one I ever favorited, and reviewed on. In fact, I copy and pasted all of your chapters into a word document so I had it on my computer to read if my internet crapped out. So here it is, many years later, and after numerous checkins over the years with 0 updates, I'm over it.

I don't care what happens anymore, because your neglect of this story has made me indifferent.

R.I.P. Tessandra's 'Of Humans and Fairies'
keele pendante chapter 22 . 6/27/2009
please continue! u haven't updated in so long!
Light Ebony Dark Ivory chapter 11 . 11/1/2008
i thought I'd stop here and reveiw. I adore this story. It is really good. There is a lot of typos and grammar mistakes though which kind of makes it harder to read. However it is really well written (even if it does have some more modern phrases and i always kinda assumed Ella Enchanted took place in the past). Goodness all these boys just falling over themselves to get a chance at her. Awesome. It is kinda wierd though that she just blurted all that out to a total stranger. Well, I love this story and now I'm off to the next Chapter.
x-GlitterEyes-x chapter 22 . 10/9/2008
Loving the story so far, hope you update soon. I keep reminding myself that fairies will be coming into it soon so im looking forward to it although i keep suspecting Aiven may be one as those two seem so close and she obviously has a child with a fairy.
Samantha chapter 22 . 7/11/2008
This is SO SO SO GOOD! My coucin started telling me this story about three years ago and now to finish it, was one of the best things! You have tell us what happens next in their lives! Will Laeliena and Aiven ever really get together how does this have to do with Ella Enchanted?
oxoxEnchantedxoxo chapter 22 . 7/8/2008
I LOVE YOUR STORY! Please update soon!
oxoxEnchantedxoxo chapter 1 . 7/7/2008
OMG! Please update! I love it!
ocean's pebble chapter 22 . 3/8/2008

Just, wow.

very good, very well written.
Tyler Arienne chapter 1 . 2/1/2008
i can already tell that this is gonna be a great story
Snapeluver chapter 17 . 12/28/2007
Please update!
lilsnobby chapter 22 . 12/16/2007
I read this story late last night, I love ella enchanted and wanted something to soothe my poor over wrought mind. And I came to the conclusion that I have no respect for you whatsoever. I'm sorry, I'm not being nice, But you have over 700 reviews. I can only imagine how many hits that must be. You have talent with your writing and Your story is captivating. The characters are real and I'm completely and utterly head over heels for His lord Seer Aiven. I absolutely adore him, But you never finished, you let all your readers and reviewers down, I have no clue how this story goes, I cannot even come up with a satisfactory ending in my own mind, I rely on the authors of these stories to finish, But you haven't touched this story in years. I hope you will continue it at some point, I'm adding you to story alert, and I really really hope you find the ambition to continue, This story is great, it's an idea I would never have thought of. while you used someone elses country, the story is entirely yours. It is in short amazing. But you didn't continue it... Until then, You are definatly not on my fav authors list. You have so many reviews. how could you let them down... and I'm sorry if I offend you, it is not my wish to hurt you or anger you, I understand this might, but i sincerely hope it motivates you to continue for your readers sakes. I will be waiting...

Lady Emma chapter 22 . 9/9/2007
PLEASE TESSANDRA! Update soon! It's been years and I truly love this story! And even if you don't update at least put up something that lets us know you're alive. PLEASE!

As Always!

-Lady Emma
Cindy chapter 22 . 8/6/2007
Hi Tessandra,

I loved this story and I was just curious if you were considering writing more. :)
fan 1 chapter 1 . 4/28/2007
I know that you've probably forgotten this series by now in favor of some of your better known and reviewed works, but fans like me are still waiting desperately for your next review and the thought that you might never review again really scares me. it's been three years since you last updated, maybe one more update for closure? Who knows, when you write about my favorite charecters, little Aiven and Laeliena, you might start remembering how much you loved them and continue with them again...
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