Reviews for Coloring Outside the Lines
Plmmmiiiii chapter 22 . 10/21/2024
im sorry I understand im so late to the game but seriously fuck that bitch jenna. No i dont like her omfg shes a bad as victoria.
debb lavoie chapter 16 . 5/19/2024
What kind of mother would buy her first time, ugh. Great chapter !
debb lavoie chapter 12 . 5/19/2024
That guy was a hoot!
debb lavoie chapter 7 . 5/18/2024
That surprised me.
debb lavoie chapter 3 . 5/15/2024
She may be young, however she eeds to understand who Bella is to Edward.
debb lavoie chapter 1 . 5/14/2024
The job is really odd for him. It's a tough change

thelightnina chapter 3 . 2/21/2024
Why is she talking to her like she’s 5?
Guest chapter 1 . 5/13/2022
"I have those sometimes.", I could hear Katie saying.

Were you absent when punctuation lessons were taught?! You *never* use both periods and commas when writing dialogue. Here's the proper way to punctuate the sentence above: "I have those sometimes," I could hear Katie saying.

You make this error throughout your stories. It's beyond annoying.
Fuck Victoria chapter 34 . 12/4/2021
Jesus Christ...
Kill Victoria chapter 32 . 12/4/2021
Just when I thought Victoria couldn't get any worse then Jesus Christ she doubled how much I want fuckin murder her
Twilightlovebug chapter 44 . 10/29/2021
Really great story . And i mean both of them . I really felt everything . It was wicked good .
Guest chapter 31 . 9/20/2021
It's Trunchbull not Trunchbowl
Claire chapter 29 . 9/19/2021
In most of the long fanfics I've read I just wait for the ending and count the chapters or sometimes skip it and just jump to the epilogue. But not this one, this story is marvelous and so intriguing that I am dreading the end. I don't want this to end, It's so perfect with realistic situations and conversations along with the amazing lemons. And I don't know if the author is even using FF but still I want to thank you so much Winndsinger for writing this ridiculously wonderful fanfic.
rose chapter 14 . 9/15/2021
This story is so good, I can't even stop reading to finish my chores.
Claire chapter 8 . 9/13/2021
I don't understand why they have too kiss katie on the lips, I mean isn't it disgusting to kiss your child there, not because they're dirty or anything but because that kind of affection is also shown to your lover or SO.
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