Reviews for Truth, Love, and Evolution
Tara Bartsch chapter 44 . 12/22/2017
Holy f'n crap... i just found this... why oh why isnt there more :(
This is one of the best things i have ever read... its amazing, your amazing and i just want more!
ravencarr chapter 30 . 9/13/2017
Best phone conversation ever! way to go Puck~!
Wes/David is in seeeerious trouble
ravencarr chapter 11 . 9/13/2017
Very fuck indeed ~~~
LSKlaineGleek chapter 44 . 1/19/2017
Omgomgomgomg why isn't this completed? Noooooooooo!
purpleismagic chapter 44 . 4/12/2016
Wow. I absolutely loved this whole story! The characters, plot, and just everything was so well written, thanks for writing this! And if you ever decide to write more I'd be super excited to read it
Guest chapter 44 . 1/19/2016
finished story? if so add complete to it!
clairebear14 chapter 29 . 11/22/2015
(sings) Blow the candles out, looks like a solo tonight/I'm beginning to see the light...

Love the series so far... I must admit that line made me think of our guys' first duet- was that deliberate, or coincidental? I look forward to reading the rest of these!
Morganamoore chapter 44 . 10/28/2014
Guest chapter 44 . 7/1/2014
more coming or is this done? if so add complete to the story...
CherryFlavouredPoison chapter 44 . 5/3/2014
So I just spent the entire day reading this. And wow... I certainly do not regret it. I have to admit, the story did start a little bit choppy (at least for my taste), but it had improved much. And I really liked it. Even your OCs (despite the fact that I don't really like original characters) were extremely likable, especially Hal :) Of course, I think you're pretty much cruel for putting this story on hold in such a crucial spot, and I know that it's been three years, but if you ever want to continue... well, I'll be glad to read another chapter ;)

- Cherry
2maluv chapter 44 . 3/20/2014
Blaine is such an adorable mummy's boy! HAHAHAHA loved it!
2maluv chapter 39 . 3/20/2014
I feel like channeling Wes and plotting to get Klaine together because ALL THIS TENSION D:
2maluv chapter 35 . 3/20/2014
Yay! Finally Blaine (and Wevid) meet ND!
2maluv chapter 32 . 3/20/2014
HELL YEAH WEVID :D I love their craziness and protectiveness over their friends :)
Also I believe this is the 2000th review? If it is it's well deserved because this fic is amazing and I'm so glad to have found it :) I haven't smiled this much over a story in ages
2maluv chapter 22 . 3/20/2014
Sleepy Blaine is so adorable!
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