Reviews for Jailbait
Kim chapter 69 . 11/7/2024
Please update
misscupcakefunsize21 chapter 69 . 11/2/2024
Please come back!
Spideypool2009 chapter 68 . 9/28/2024
Do u plan to finish this whole story?
WMGirl2012 chapter 69 . 7/6/2024
I hope you are doing much much better these days! Any idea when you will start back on this one? I reread this story at least once a year and am hopeful it will continue. Fingers crossed you will start back up on this one since i noticed you posting more this year.
Guest chapter 69 . 6/28/2024
I just wanted to say that this is the only Twilight fanfic that I always go back and reread several times a year, I love it so much! It’s one of those stories that I never wanted to end. I know it won’t be completed but I hope one day it’ll be available to download so I can put it on my kindle.
Guest chapter 69 . 6/10/2024
Please update when you can.
AnneMargaret64 chapter 29 . 5/17/2024
when Bella and Seth do have a kid if make them have twins please mae them have two boys or two girls. I ave read all lot of Twilight fanfiction with Bella paired with different pack members and when the author makes them have twins its always a boy and a girl it gets old fast it would be nice to see them have two boys or two girls
tiffany.clarkpulkowski chapter 64 . 5/2/2024
Please, I need more of this story! I keep coming back to it, rereading it, and hoping you finish it!
Guest chapter 22 . 4/10/2024
Jesus! Sorry 4 saying this but what the fuk is this story? Huh? I don't understand how awkward clumsy Bella turned in to a sex-starved shameless whore like this?
And what about Seth? He's the most innocent guy in the pack & now this?
I get it that this is rated M but The amount of sex they're having makes me wanna puke
RubyQueen-333 chapter 1 . 3/28/2024
Hey back again! I love love love this sory and would LOVE for you to come back to us and finish this PLEASE!

im off to read again for the ive lost count time lol!
alklucio chapter 1 . 3/22/2024
Back again for another read through. I know it’s been soooo long, but I do hope this one will be continued and finished. This is my most-read story on ff..I have read this dozens of times. There is so much I’m anxious to see happen for these characters, and soooo many questions yet to be answered. Your plot and story are amazing. Please come back to us! Hope everything is well with you.
kimjohn chapter 69 . 3/11/2024
still love to reread this . Always hoping for an update
Chey chapter 69 . 2/19/2024
I hope life is going well. Now I shall commence to beg, please please please pretty please update! Thank you for your time and awesome stories!
Lou chapter 1 . 2/5/2024
Please uppdate your beatiful long stories.
sofiaenunez chapter 69 . 12/2/2023
I loved the story. I hope you can continue. I look forward to hearing how it goes.
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