Reviews for Harry Potter and the Ring of Power
Mewpagano chapter 29 . 12/13/2022
And very well OC.. so beautyfull!
AmericanMuggleborn chapter 5 . 3/7/2019
I've often thought that Fred and George were gifted wizards, perhaps bored with the Hogwarts ciricumlum. I needed a special school just for wizards like them. Canon seems to support this idea.

The Swap the created during Umbridge's reign is an example. The wild success of their joke shop is another.

I decided to stop and comment on their talents. Though it's well established in canon I don't think JK ever took full advantage of it.
nayin1704 chapter 29 . 10/27/2016
Curiously Wandering chapter 29 . 4/1/2016
That story was amazing but i think you could of made it better if you lengthened it and writr mor on harrys every day life.
ben chapter 13 . 11/16/2014
I love this story so much
yvonnestrahovski chapter 29 . 6/6/2014
All i can say is i feel so bad at not having given a single review before now.

I also need to express to you, that i have a single tear in my right eye, after reading the final line, "And he leant forward to kiss his bride again: 'Ginevra Molly Potter'".
Jarius Black chapter 29 . 4/15/2014
Wow, All I have to say is Wow. This was an amazing story that I am very glad that I took the time to read.
KingRider6911 chapter 29 . 1/29/2014
Absolutely a great story. i must admit tho the name did through me off at first but im glad i read this
Guest chapter 29 . 1/13/2014
Amazing! Truly amazing.
JetLaBarge chapter 17 . 12/6/2013
Every so often I read something that I either add to my "head canon" or want to use in my stories. I have asked and received permission (twice, due to HPFF!) to use Mrs_Grangers tapestry, and also to refer to 1917farmgirl's story "Yes Ginevera there is a Santa Claus" which is just part of my "head canon," part of Weasley family history I have appropriated as my own. Northumbrian has also given me permission to refer to MIT, Muggle Interface teams.

I love the idea of not always eating at house tables. I know where I would like to use it. In my next generation story Albus is sorted into Slytherin, and his soul mate is sorted with Rose into Gryffindor. I would like them to initiate mixing the tables for breakfast and lunch. I would of course give you credit for the idea on this site and SYIE. I don't think I would mention it on the HPFF site because if I did you would have to write a nice letter to the Validators on the HPFF site saying "yes, please, good validators, please let JetLaBarge use my idea. You have my premission."

JetLaBarge chapter 16 . 12/6/2013
I have been reading this story for the last couple of days, and it is very good. I like your "head canon.". I like the Harry and Ginny relationship.
I am not sure what the "Ring of Power" is. I thought the story was some Potter Tolkien mash up, which kept me from reading it.
How far is the story outlined? Do you have a goal you are working towards, or is it just working in this world that you enjoy?
I think we both see the potential for Wizarding Muggle cooperation as more beneficial than Rowling. What could a hospital do that employed the best of both?

Back to the story, then back to work at midnight to keep a tool progressing. What we do as business owners! Some day I may rework a story I started about George after the war. I think George would see keeping his and Fred's baby, WWW, alive would be the best way to honor him. I also think he would say, not totally in jest, that Fred would haunt him if he didn't keep WWW going.

Anon chapter 1 . 11/21/2013
Good story. Like it. Keep writing!
SuperFanofHP chapter 15 . 6/29/2013
Wow great story so far. Good plot as well.
SuperFanofHP chapter 9 . 6/29/2013
Wow! I've only read up to Chapter 7 and your story is turning out great. I look forward to reading more!
3 chapter 29 . 5/4/2013
WOW. Just finished reading the entire story...absolutely AMAZING. Your style of writing is highly efficient and sophisticated; you could have a career as a writer if you desire it. The plot was genius and the characters and their interactions with one another was simply superb. Beautifully done.
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