Reviews for His Greatest Wish
ancientesha chapter 2 . 12/14/2010
wow, this is sure to be interesting!

i'm looking forward to your next chapter.

you do realize you've gotten yourself in a bit of a trouble, yeah?

snape in gryffindor. hehe.
Nanettez chapter 2 . 12/14/2010
Molly and Arthur already had a nine month old son when Lily and Severus started. As Lucius was 41 in the chamber of secrets he also would have left school. Narcissa would have still been there.

I read another story a while ago about Severus going into Gryffindor but I feel it would be a good idea if both he and Lily went into Ravenclaw. They would be away from James and his mother and other people who know him would not be so upset and would leave him alone. Lily was also said to be a very good student.

It is an interesting idea to go back and have another go at life. Most of us would work harder as we would know how important it is for later.
AllTheCoolNamesAreTaken chapter 1 . 12/12/2010
I always loved stories like this, time travel/history change fics. I can't wait until you update and hopefully you're one of those authors that update frequently! I noticed that you have this story under "friendship/drama", did you not intend for Lily and Sev to get together?

Great Start!
matrice chapter 1 . 12/12/2010
Gryffindor, Severus had to admit, was a distinct possibility, considering his massive changes and his growing of a spine somewhere between the time of the Prophecy and his life-altering meeting with Dumbledore.

That had really more to do with Severus' loyalty than with his courage (it wasn't as if he lacked courage before). If anything, it would likely make him a more adequate candidate for Hufflepuff, rather than from Gryffindor.

In the end, the cunningness of his work as a spy would really make him an even more ideal Slytherin than he was when he was really eleven, but maybe, the safest choice for him would be Hufflepuff.

Despite Dumbledore's words, I don't really think that Severus would have made a good Gryffindor (then again, they did haver Peter as a student... Severus rises a valid point here...), especially considering the fact that, even as an adult, he was still very much fascinated by the Dark Art (as Harry had occasion to note when the man taught him Defense), and Gryffindor wouldn't likely have an open minded attitude towards them (despite the fact that Dumbledore knows them too, that he had used them in order to find the Chamber of Secrets, and that the Aurors were apparently allowed to use the Unforgivables during the war, and apparently didn't feel any compulsion to go on a murdering spree, or to become Deathearters), while Ravenclaw might have (they are intelligent, so they would likely understand the difference between owning and knowing how to use a gun, and actually shooting someone with it)
fauxsilk chapter 1 . 12/11/2010
Awesome! I absolutely love this idea. And your writing is so fluid. I can't wait for more. 3
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