Reviews for His Greatest Wish
bunika chapter 4 . 1/6
everyone changes
bunika chapter 3 . 1/5
I hope Frank and Sev will be good friends
bunika chapter 2 . 1/5
you don't have problems with Sirius sort into Gryffindor. James. why do you have problems with Sev
bunika chapter 1 . 1/5
cherish your second chance,Sev
Guest chapter 27 . 11/9/2024
Guest chapter 1 . 11/9/2024
Arrexu chapter 50 . 10/30/2024
Absolutely wonderful story that i couldn‘t help but binge read within 5 days.

Wonderfully written characters are always a joy to read.

And a big thank you for sharing this piece of work. Inspired me to try out my own one day (maybe).

All the luck to you, your book and the future.
Arrexu chapter 17 . 10/28/2024
I thought you were being ambigious with wording every time lily remarks anything pertaining to Sev when he lies. It seems i was wrong
Arrexu chapter 6 . 10/28/2024
I can‘t help but think lily also returned in time
dawsonm chapter 8 . 8/16/2024
This is the best Severus and Lily fanfic I've ever read. I've lost count of how many times I've reread it
011239 chapter 9 . 7/1/2024
honestly I think her was a doe because of James and Severus was because of hers with that reasoning hers would no longer have that form
BeccaSheep chapter 40 . 6/26/2024
I've enjoyed the story so far, and the James bashing makes sense in context. But I really wish they were punishing James for bullying Peter and not freaking out about him hitting Lily back after she slapped him. I'm pretty sure the punishment wouldn't have been so severe if it had been one of the boys hitting James and getting punched. They barely even pay attention to what he did to Peter at all. As if him hitting Lily was the bad thing instead of the only justifiable thing.
CaseyTheReader chapter 50 . 6/19/2024
I loved this book so much and think it should be a real book because it was SO GOOD and I hated James before reading this book so I ask you because I don’t know how to dm someone, who killed James Henry (potter)?
Guest chapter 1 . 5/2/2024
earthyophelia chapter 50 . 5/3/2024
broo who killed james?
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