Reviews for Combat Motivation
Hitokiri Hawkeye chapter 1 . 12/25/2010
nice I like it. Puts Fury's thoughts into perspective.
HeartlessNeoshadow chapter 1 . 12/14/2010
This served as a very solid point of view from the Fury's perspective. Like the reviewer before me said, I liked how you described the fight between the Liger Zero and the Berserk Fury as an animal fight. The whole thing had no strings attached.

The other cool thing was the identification of Vega as an ancient. Really, your "proof" behind that seemed "legit", lol.

Anyway, good job! :)
rcnomore chapter 1 . 12/12/2010
I love stories from the Zoid's point of view. And I don't think I've read one with the Fury.

I loved the way you described the last battle with the Liger Zero as an 'animal battle'. The two Zoids really were just tearing each other apart, forgeting about the human weapons and such.

Well...there was a lot in this fic I liked so (the whole thing, really), to keep me from rambling, I just say that. :)

Great story!