Reviews for Grow Together
Grace chapter 23 . 12/21/2021
This was so good! You are the only person that agrees with me that Gale and Johanna are perfect for each other! Great job!
AgosDelGrosso chapter 23 . 12/7/2021
I know it's been a long time seen this was published but I wanted to thank you. It's a lovely and very on cannon story. You keep them real and true to Collins story. Thank you for writing the way to a happy ending
Guest chapter 23 . 9/10/2021
Excellent storytelling. You wrote with an understanding of Katniss' psyche and maintained her voice from the books. Very well done. I enjoyed this immensely.
Petunia Delgado chapter 16 . 8/7/2021
i want that kiss from Finnick, please.
maybe two.
tuantuan92 chapter 11 . 6/16/2021
Def needing this fluffy chapter after the heavy ones. And Katniss, “next time” really? I swear, I feel like I’m more hopeful than Peeta at this statement. XD
luphattack chapter 23 . 6/13/2021
Thank you so much for sharing your piece of work with us! It's a great, well-written and engaging story. Reading this after 10 years since its release and still longing for more.
Luiz chapter 23 . 6/13/2021
Thank you so much for sharing your piece of work with us! It's a great, well-written and engaging story. Reading this after 10 years since its release and still longing for more!
Br chapter 23 . 6/4/2021
Re-reading this masterpiece
Guest chapter 23 . 5/19/2021
After 10 years I was reading thg again, being depressed again, the books are all political and have no space for happiness, this is exactly what I need to sleep in peace again for more 10 years haha. Btw, I’m Brazilian and I’m not used to reading in english (I just read the triology in portuguese) but it was very well written and I could understand everything, even learn new words. Thanks again.
JasmineDragon22 chapter 23 . 5/13/2021
That was an awesome story. Nice work.
Guest chapter 23 . 5/13/2021
I know this was published a decade ago, but I wanted to let you know I loved this story so much! It felt so true to the books and really made me feel like I got what was missing from the end of mockingjay all these years. Thank you for writing it and sharing it here!
maysanalovemaze chapter 1 . 3/24/2021
this is canon to me I got closure after reading mockingjay
Sara chapter 23 . 1/13/2021
O. M. G.

Speechless. This is just too good. I know I'll be reading it again in the future. Kudos to you.
solomon1943 chapter 23 . 1/11/2021
ik you're not gonna read this but thanks for this fanfic, very good
Nivedita chapter 22 . 1/4/2021
I think my favorite part of this whole chapter is Haymitch's last sentence. It made me laugh so much. I love this whole fanfic and how it is so in character with their profiles.
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