Reviews for I Love You Too |
morded chapter 39 . 11/24/2011 This is my all time favorite story! |
james chapter 39 . 11/19/2011 I figure I should leave something telling you how much I enjoy and love this story. It has to be my favorite seasons three story. Thank you. |
angelfaye chapter 39 . 11/10/2011 Ah ... fantastic ending. Sad to see it end. I love this story, and I will be reading this again ... and again ... and again ... |
Average Joe chapter 39 . 11/7/2011 That was boss. Well executed, almost cathartic closure. Great characterization all the way around (as usual) and top to bottom probably the most consistently well-done serious take on a realistic ending to this story out there. Damn good stuff. Take a well deserved break. :) |
Zullar chapter 38 . 11/6/2011 Okay… Let me first say that I am completely and utterly mind blown right now. This story went places and did things that make me wonder why it hasn’t been done before. The future part of the story was a lot of fun. I love Derek, Allison and Kyle. Derek is not the same character from s2 yet he’s still very likable. Allison is written really well and the life you created for her was great. I liked that she was a hardcore soldier but still a girl at heart. Kyle was very interesting and I like that you took his character in a direction that is similar to that T1. What I mean is that he was a soldier that had no idea who John was in relation to him. But what made all these characters great was that they all still had their humanity with them and all they wanted to do is protect one another and find a place to live their lives. Such as, Kyle and Allison talking about what they’d do in the present. I wish they would have survived to be honest. The present part of the story was brutal and completely surprising and full of action and fun. The machines were merciless and true to what I believe Skynet’s machines would be like. The plot with Kaliba was great and Coleman was a brilliant antagonist. The characters: Weaver was all bitch, but I could tell that a part of her cared for Savannah. The character was great though and was true to the show. The way she went out was both sad and heroic. I feel that her character could have continued. Savannah Weaver is a character that I didn’t think I would like, but gosh was I wrong. I ended up liking the character as much as I do Cameron. All I can say about her really is that you created one of (if not) the best future Savannah that I’ve read. I think over all, this character is my favorite new character. Danny Dyson had some cool moments but some times he was annoying. I also felt that he was kind of stereotyped because he was a computer geek. He was written as a person who was shy and had no idea what to do around women and was mostly a loser. Ellison and Knowles were both excellent characters and written extremely well and I truly enjoyed the new character a lot. Knowles was a great character all around and is another one I wish could have survived. Sarah was interesting and true to the show. I loved that she started to accept John and Cameron. She only wants what’s best for her son and I think that means happiness, and Cameron makes him happy. John developed so much and is was amazing. I love how he changed from being the scared kid getting beat up in the tunnels to the man welling to do anything to protect the people he loves (Sarah and Cameron). I feel that this is the direction he would have went in the show. I absolutely loved Cameron in this. She kicked butt and took names. She was also very true to the show and her growth was excellent too. I could go on and on about how awesome this character is and was in the story but it’s simple enough for me to just say that I loved her. My only real character problem is John Henry. His ‘death’ was just so soon and for a character that was built up all through s2 it seems he was nothing more than a way to help Cameron grow. I think John Henry’s character and story is the only criticism I have. I personally feel he was getting a lot of build up but it was all taken away when he merged with Cameron. The character was gone and it was the Cameron show afterward. I love Cameron, she’s my favorite character but I feel that John Henry deserved more. Anyway, onward to the best part… John and Cameron’s relationship was amazing and I can’t say enough about how great they are together. I think you’ve continued Josh Friedman’s love story in a brilliant fashion and I would have loved to have seen this one the show. I do feel we would have to come degree had the show got to play out all the way through. Cameron is and was John’s love interest and he loved her. I think you showed that from start to finish and considering John went to the future for Cameron, I think it’s a great that you kept his journey there about her. I’ve read some stories that make Allison a replacement for Cameron or have John get involved with Allison but in my opinion that makes his entire reason for jumping to the future pointless. It’s like John is replacing Cameron, but you didn’t do that. You showed that both characters are completely different and that John only has eyes for one. I would like to thank you for writing. After reading a few of these kinds of fics I think you have written the best one yet and I’m looking forward to anything else you write. |
C. S. Tolkien chapter 39 . 11/6/2011 Great story, I would put in my favorites. |
Zullar chapter 21 . 11/5/2011 WOW... that's all I can think right now. I loved the Jameron moment and I loved all the action. It was one of my favorite chapters. Weaver totally kicked some butt. |
Scottishpsyco chapter 39 . 11/4/2011 I started reading this back in April and I have to say it is fantastic in every way. The characters are well rounded and the plot unfolds perfectly, so well done and good luck in future stories. |
elicit chapter 39 . 11/4/2011 that should be 'I'm sad' not said. sorry. |
elicit chapter 39 . 11/4/2011 What a freaking ride. I can honestly say that this has been the most interesting and most fun and emotional post-btr story on FFN. Everything has been very realistic and believable with in the Terminator universe. John and Cameron's relationship has been a fantastic ride as well. I will admit, I am very said to see this story end. Thank for you writing this and giving us a season three. |
XxDeathStarxX chapter 39 . 11/4/2011 That was the best season 3 story and you wrapped it up nicely in this last chapter. I especially loved the ending. Everyone had their plans for the future, but the only thing Cameron wanted, was to be with John :) I'm sure John will be very glad to be homeschooled by her. The only 'problem' is that they might get a little distracted with each other once in a while :P Can't wait for your next story! |
Zullar chapter 17 . 11/3/2011 I loved the way Cameron crawled into the sleeping bag with him. So far, I'm truly enjoying this story and all the characters. |
Lsquare chapter 39 . 11/3/2011 Wow, quite an ending. I especially enjoyed the scene between the Savannah's, with the phone. "Big me" and "Mini Me." Too funny. And cute. I love that Little-Savannah had figured it out already. She is a smart kid, after-all. My one (small) issue with the chapter, is that John ended up being so blood-thirsty, dragging out Coleman's death. I had hoped that John would have finished him off quickly, as one final gesture to show how he was better than the greys. But I suppose that John does have "issues," given all the guilt he carries, and everything he has seen. Hopefully he, and the rest of the clan, can start to heal, by living a normal life. Nice quote at the end, with a little twist on the title. This was an amazing journey, and must have been a huge effort. You are an excellent storyteller. Thank you for giving us this story. |
rnbm chapter 39 . 11/3/2011 I want to thank you for the wonderful story. It was a pleasure to read, and I appreciate you completing the story. It's nice to see a happy ending. |
Grimjowx chapter 39 . 11/3/2011 Omg. Thank you so much for writing this amazing story. I thoroughly enjoyed the entire story and I want to say I love your writing a lot! This last chapter was a great wrap up and the nice, happy ending with John and Cameron was awesome. Have a nice good rest:D, but don't forget about us! Hope the next time you start writing, maybe you would continue Century? or something equally amazing. No doubt you will come up with something exceptional! |