Reviews for Entranced
Guest chapter 17 . 5/25/2024
amazing will there be another?
Amalie chapter 17 . 6/22/2021
This was so nice, I loved this story ! I really hope you can continue it, please don't abandon it
Guest chapter 17 . 3/8/2021
Fucking beautiful plz update
Nemo called mesa chapter 17 . 3/8/2021
What an absolutely gorgeous piece of writing. I cannot express how well the writing of interpersonal relationships is; you encapsulated the essence of each character from the show, but applied it to a well explored au in such an amazing manner. I love the witty banter and chemistry between your characters, especially toph and aang. I really hope that one day you'll come back to this story and finish it, because it def deserves an ending.
Doctor MisFire chapter 17 . 7/28/2020
Oh my god! This was SO GOOD. The pacing was AMAZING, the character interactions were SPOTLESS, and the suspense was PERFECTLY DRAWN OUT. Come on, please finish? I have GOT to know what happened to Aang’s dad, what the financial situation is in Toph’s family, how the Bei Fongs are going to get their daughter back, whether or not Jet finally learns who Toph is, and how Toph and Aang finally live happily ever after!

I do have one question: why did you make the tea shop owner be some OC named Yin instead of Iroh and Zuko?
Guest chapter 17 . 7/12/2020
This story is amazing. I’m loving the platonic and romantic relationships
wubbzy chapter 17 . 6/11/2020
This hasn’t been updated in 5 years but I figured I’d take a chance to read it and I’m so glad I did. I’m absolutely in love with this story and now devastated to see it hasn’t been updated. It was left on a cliffhanger it feels like and I’m just so sad this hasn’t been updated.

I hope you someday get the chance to finish this story and share it with us as this is so beautiful and I feel is a story that definitely deserves to be complete as it’s so awesome.

Thanks again for the great read and I hope you get a chance to write the rest of this.

Zeth Amsel chapter 1 . 3/22/2018
I'm drowning in my own tearsI was very happy wandering the huge streets of fanfiction when suddenly I find your beautiful ficsinsert here cries of crazy fangirlI read this story in two days and I am so in love that every time I see that you have not updated from almost Three years makes me want to throw myself into a building and end my myterable existence.

I am from Mexico and believe me that I love your stories as you do not have an idea, you are really very talented and I like to say that you are in favor of AangxToph I love you!

Saying goodbye, I send greetings from Mexico waiting anxiously for a continuation

PS: I completely understand your frustration with the university, I hope and soon you can get out of that tight situation
CherryAnnWeasley chapter 17 . 1/30/2018
Are you ever going to update. It's such a good story
guest chapter 17 . 4/2/2017
This is so gooood. Love your style of writing. The story is amazing. Please update :3
Emer Daen chapter 17 . 11/9/2016
Wow Your a impressive writer, I absolutely loved and still love reading this story. I ship Aang and Toph more than anything and you bring the two together so beautifully. I can't wait for the next chapter, I just know you won't disappoint. I really hope you'll upload more chapters because out of all the Taang stories that I've read yours is the most appealing, you have such a pristine writing style and a realistic way of looking at things. I love it.
acquiringwriter chapter 17 . 9/2/2016
I can't tell you how long this chapter sat in my inbox. I'm glad I finally got time to read it!
HAY NAKO chapter 17 . 8/12/2016
OTTOSE4L chapter 1 . 7/16/2016
Started reading and the story is pretty good so far.
PsychEmpress chapter 17 . 1/21/2016
So I originally thought that this was some fanfic that would basically follow the story of Aladdin and other similar stories, 'cause it sure seemed really predictable in the beginning. But then you went into detail and there are these just AMAZING LITTLE TWEEKS to the characters and I ABSOLUTELY LOVE IT. So you probably could've imagined my (almost violent) reaction right after Jet's invitation. I mean, most incomplete Taang fics stop JUST AT THE FREAKING CLIMAX and I'm pretty sure yours might still be kind of far off but I'm hooked. Hence, the review. Anyway, I hope you can update soon because this is really an amazing story. Best wishes!


P.S. I love your other Taang fics by the way. Wonderful job on them all ;)
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