Reviews for Feral
Daire123 chapter 35 . 1/18/2022
Such an emotional roller coaster that I couldn’t put down. It’s such a unique story that I loved! Thank you for sharing! I can’t wait to read more of your work!
alexiana75 chapter 35 . 12/14/2021
it was incredible and amazing and such a joy to read!
OTPyeahyouknowme chapter 35 . 11/11/2021
This is like stupid good. Where the heck has this been hiding?!
12397 chapter 35 . 10/4/2021
What a Amazing story. I loved it from beginning to end.
Ely Cullen M chapter 1 . 10/4/2021
Oh,.interesante historia!
JayNahNah chapter 35 . 9/23/2021
Would have loved an epov of his time when he was lost. How he survived year after year.
MissWM chapter 35 . 9/2/2021
I don't really know what to reply. I read it all and I enjoyed it. To a point. I just have trouble with lots of parts. The reason why Edward stayed in his cave. The how and why Bella Carlisle and Charlie (a police officer!) never officially reported they found Edward and did everything unofficially. How immature and insane Bella is, finding a man in cave and forming a bond is such little time and then packing her life and going to be with him and his mother. How they treated Edward after he settled in Forks. He needed education. True education. Not to find a job so soon after being reintroduced to society and not knowing much apart from childish learnings. How Bella and Edward developed their relationship. It is fucked up. And then everyone suddenly up and moving to forks as well. And then the whole getting pregnant so soon (yeah I get pills aren't 100% effective, but, fuck, there was no need for that in the plot. Specially not when they were starting to get into a more healthy fase in their relationship)

Sorry. I really had trouble with the plot. I liked the idea of it. Just think it should have been better constructed? Idk. And also I really loved the Edward chapters. He was such a man-boy. Sweet and innocent and eager to learn more. And seeing him develop, specially in his pov chapter. It was a wonderful experience.

Thanks for sharing
MsLiss chapter 35 . 7/2/2021
Thank you
AlexandraaCullen chapter 35 . 6/26/2021
Thanks for sharing! I loved this, Edward is so sweet !
Guest chapter 2 . 4/18/2021
Beautiful story, thank you xxx
Alina Nyx chapter 16 . 12/8/2020
The EPOVs are to die for. It's all really sweet.
tekmlb06 chapter 35 . 6/27/2020
Great story
yitu chapter 35 . 6/17/2020
What a sweet, unique story. Wonderful read.
CamouflagedHalo chapter 35 . 3/28/2020
I absolutely adore this story!

I love the dynamic that Edward and Bella have in this story. It is perfection. Edward is just too adorable.
Evelyne-raconte chapter 35 . 1/11/2020
Extra, I had a really great time reading FERAL ! It's a wonderful story. Thank you for sharing.
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