Reviews for Synesthesia
Raj8 chapter 17 . 9/29
This was an overall enjoyable story, I was genuinely shocked by Ranma's death which I was sure was a fake out, but as the situation developed I started to doubt my theory and even more surprisingly started to hope he'd stay dead.

The aftermath of his death was written great, and watching the equipment of his will get spat on was excellent writing, especially on how it was used to develop Shinji.

They'll even be able to use it later on the martial art crew to genuinely convince them that Ranma is both dead and potentially as payment depending on how this all goes down.

This story was last updated 6 years ago, and even with it previously being updated roughly once a year, there are strong odds that it has been abandoned.

Overall though I certainly don't regret reading this excellent story, and if you ever come back, you'll have me as a reader, thanks for taking the time to share and post this all those years ago.
Y2Ranma chapter 17 . 9/3/2021
Interesting although doubt Ranma is dead
Hope update soon
Kian Xki chapter 10 . 9/13/2019
Sincronization gifted Ayanami with a backbone and Azuka with patience

If this were true, would it mean that Azuka's drepresion was Shinji's fault?

You have raised and sinked (cannon) ships

Azuka x Rei made them better by giving what they lacked

Azuka x Shinji made them worst by resonance of their worst traits

Luckily this is a comedy for a better world rather than cannon slowly goin from bad to worst
Guest chapter 17 . 7/16/2019
Hope for more one dau
Meck Viking chapter 17 . 5/30/2019
Great story. Binged read instead if sleeping. Also ranma a int dead yet. I refuse to believe he is dead w/o the the way he saposavly went. He is eather still in unit 3 or will become unit 3.
essex2 chapter 17 . 3/9/2018
An enjoyable chapter. It is always interesting to see how canon events can play out differently when you add a new factor.
LordsFire chapter 17 . 3/4/2018
I'd say it's of a similar level of quality to prior chapters. Not quite as much lovely absurdist humor, but still funny, the narrative is strong, and we aren't exactly in the most light-hearted of arcs here.

Have either of you two ever tried hopping onto SpaceBattles? There's an excellent writing community there.
Ashe chapter 17 . 3/2/2018
So, what’s the purpose of calling this a Ranma and Evangelion crossover when the only R1/2 character getting any page time was Ranma and he’s now been dead for several chapters?
reality deviant chapter 17 . 2/27/2018
Good chapter. enjoyed it is true what fuyutsuki said here... and the others.
WillItWork chapter 17 . 2/27/2018
So to get caught up I re-read from the beginning. This has been a wild ride!

Is Ranma permanently dead? I wasn't expecting that, but it's been several chapters now. I DO like Shinji getting his fight on, and being motivated. Altogether, all of the Children seem more competent and coherent.

I commend you for trying to continue this despite personal time demands. Thanks for sharing!
cj1of4 chapter 17 . 2/26/2018
Long time no see. So is it confirmed that Ranma is dead then, or is he only MIA?
Guest chapter 17 . 2/26/2018
Loved this chapter, seeing Shinji do what he did out of a number of eomtions, and Fuyutsuki putting Gendo in his place by not letting him use the mission as an excuse for something petty, was a nice touch.
aliesterus chapter 3 . 2/26/2018
You know, halfway through reading this chapter(chp. 3), I heard the sound of something break. I think it was the laws of sanity and all that is sacred. I approve.
ByLanternLight chapter 17 . 2/25/2018
That worked very well, I thought. Really felt Shinji's emotions there.
deckman chapter 17 . 2/25/2018
Nice! I honestly had forgotten about this story. Now I have to reread from the start since it's been so long
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