Reviews for When In Doubt, Obliviate
yochan123 chapter 31 . 8/10/2021
God dumbledore probably delayed on purpose

Lockhart is full of good sense and having bezoars is very smart!
yochan123 chapter 30 . 8/10/2021
I wouldn't step onto that chess board for all the world and I wouldn't let Harry, either," Gilderoy told them. "If you take the place of the king you'll be as safe as you can be and as long as you win you'll be fine."

Awwww nice father there XD
yochan123 chapter 18 . 8/10/2021
So is it just me or is returning to our dormitories in the dungeon when that's where the troll is supposed to be a really stupid idea?"

Lmao I love Theo and the other slytherin a
yochan123 chapter 17 . 8/10/2021
Lol I love how all the slytherin are defending harry
yochan123 chapter 15 . 8/10/2021

Jesus Ron is so stupid I want him in st mungo’s
yochan123 chapter 13 . 8/10/2021
God I just want to toss dumbledore into Azkaban and be done with it

Along with snape
yochan123 chapter 12 . 8/10/2021
Why in the world Dumbledore create an evil house?" Harry inquired. "I mean, we've got a brave house, a smart house, a loyal and hard-working house, and then…an evil house? One of these things is not like the others."

Indeed. Man Theo is right the whole time. Not like dumbledore cared about quality education for his students!
Homarid chapter 2 . 8/10/2021
Really interesting so far. I the change of Pettigrew getting caught early.
yochan123 chapter 10 . 8/10/2021
Ughhhhh so dramatic these stupid wizards

Lmao the slytherin wondering if they want potter
yochan123 chapter 9 . 8/10/2021
Neville is great here hahaha

Jesus Ron
yochan123 chapter 8 . 8/10/2021
Why in the world would they have the brave house, the smart house, the loyal house, and the evil house! And we're sorted when we're only eleven. It's kind of rare to find an evil eleven-year-old."

Indeed the labels are quite terrible and utterly stupid! It’s all dumbledore’s fault! Lockhart is a surprisingly wise teacher and dad
yochan123 chapter 7 . 8/10/2021
As long as no one knew where I was, I would have been safe and, for better or for worse, my father did an excellent job of hiding me."

Honesrly Sirius and James were horrible bullies! Sirius needs to shut the fuck up
yochan123 chapter 6 . 8/10/2021
See those are great beliefs! Befriend Hermione and Neville and Neville’s parents live cuz Sirius got them emergency portkeys to st mungos
yochan123 chapter 5 . 8/10/2021
Yes dumbledore is an utter shit
yochan123 chapter 4 . 8/10/2021
Obligate veritserum and oblivate is one right combination if I’ve ever seen one!
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