Reviews for Wild
Guest chapter 6 . 6/24/2024
This is a great story. I love all the details.
Rita01tx chapter 50 . 3/11/2024
And now I'm hungry and wishin' for the ingredients, kitchen and tools to make these recipes *groan!*
Rita01tx chapter 49 . 3/11/2024
Zorro and his SeƱorita are kinky as f*ck LOL!
Rita01tx chapter 48 . 3/11/2024
Alice is such a treasure to the whole Cullen/Whitlock family!
Rita01tx chapter 47 . 3/11/2024
Coulda been so much worse had Emmett not shown up *shudder!*
Rita01tx chapter 46 . 3/11/2024
Baby heaven! I know they all grow up but it goes by so dang fast *sigh!*
Rita01tx chapter 45 . 3/11/2024
Lordamercy, these two are certainly makin' the most of their love days!
Rita01tx chapter 44 . 3/11/2024
All these snippets are/were worth extendin'!
Rita01tx chapter 43 . 3/11/2024
When money is no object, for anyone at all, wonderful things can and do happen! Edward and Bella have been blessed with good fortune, both spiritually and financially...what more could they ask for!?
Rita01tx chapter 42 . 3/11/2024
Oh, I do love it when they get all food porny...and just plain ol' horny porny LOL!
Rita01tx chapter 41 . 3/10/2024
Thank you, Charlie *high five!*
Rita01tx chapter 40 . 3/10/2024
Quill doesn't seem easily dissuaded from his Bella delusion but at least Bella made him think about just how psycho Renee least I hope she did *sigh!* Now, if the Cullen Army will just get those ATVs cranked up and on the trail!
Rita01tx chapter 39 . 3/10/2024
Evil, thy name is Renee...with Quil one step behind!
Rita01tx chapter 38 . 3/10/2024
Mentally unstable or not, Renee needs to be stopped...permanently!
Rita01tx chapter 37 . 3/10/2024
No idea!
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