Reviews for A SOLDIER's Weapon
Guest chapter 22 . 7/10/2018
Continuing from previous review (it's still the same person)you have not been around for quite some luck to you on finishing the story and does anyone know who has the longest hiatus in the ffvii fanfic circle other than jukebox hound the author?
Guest chapter 22 . 7/10/2018
My god!,author you are still alive? what happened to you,are you OK?
Littwink chapter 17 . 6/8/2018
Can I just say that I found your Dessau lectures an invaluable and utterly unique experience? Not to mention all the other aspects of the story which adds up into a really comprehensive mesh of post-ACC and Crisis Core. Your meticulous descriptions in each chapter reveals your control over your writing, and I find it very admirable! Keep it up!

I’ve decided to make a compilation of FFN fanfics that aren’t on AO3 to share with others, and I’d like to include this one. If you’d rather I not share this please tell me. If you’d like more information and or the link when I finally publish the list please inform me. Otherwise, thank you for making such a wonderful contribution to the FFVII fandom! I hope that sharing this with others will gain you more readers!
Astrido chapter 22 . 1/6/2018
fantastic story, very interesting to read from sephiroth POV.
do you intend to finish it?
Lutz-5G chapter 1 . 11/13/2017
I assume this is abandoned but wanted to say I really enjoyed the flip of having it be a younger Sephiroth that these events play out for instead of Cloud. Also really love the world building you did particularly in regards to materia. And I'm always a sucker for a worm hole. Ingenious and well done, I tip my hat to you.

Thank you so much for writing this! Will put it on my update list in case you ever decide to come back to it!
puyo chapter 22 . 10/10/2017 more? ?
charm13insomnia chapter 22 . 7/17/2017
ok great fic hope you are alive and are willing to continue this fic
Wolf'sVine chapter 22 . 11/17/2016
So... I'm am so very happy that Sephiroth wanted to kill his future, insane, evil, Jenova-controlled self! Yes, writing that kinda hurt my brain, but it's true nonetheless. Anyways, I'm thinkin' that Cloud is secretly thrilled that Sephiroth is more than capable of not going insane but now I'm a bit worried about Sephiroth... he's seen what he could become in the future... what if he tries to off himself in order to make sure he never becomes that monster?! Jeez, this fic is literally one of the most amazing, magnificent, brilliant, sensational and utterly and completely monumental fics I've ever read and I'm going to beg you to write more... preferably sooner than I can eat string cheese, (which is almost immediately). Um, sorry... anyways. One of the things I like most is how much Sephiroth trusts Cloud... even when he's confused or scared or angry or disbelieving or filled with doubt or even second-guessing everything he's learned... he still has such faith in Cloud. Even now... when he doesn't know quite if he should or not... he wants to and that strikes me as special. I also liked how he said he would prefer to be a weapon in Cloud's hands than ShinRa's and that has me wondering if that will have an impact on how he sees Cloud. I just... I'm now sure what else to write to get you to understand how highly I prize this fic and how much I want you to keep writing... I just really would like it if you would write. Please.
Faery66 chapter 22 . 5/5/2016
Hope to read more soon.

Anon chapter 22 . 4/4/2016
Re-read this after all these years and am more crushed than ever wanting the rest. You've honestly written the most engrossing FF7 time travel story- from the mechanics to the build up/reveal and not to mention the compelling characterization of a young Sephiroth. Resolution is gnawing at me though and I hope one day you'll finish this up. Thank you for the fabulous contribution to the fandom 3
MangoPeanutSituation chapter 22 . 2/16/2016
Huh... so let me get this straight:
Main Character Sephiroth (15y.o) here is going to be in what I call Timeline 1 (T1) that was what was at the start of this fic.
Clou, Yuffie and Vincent are from what seems like the canon Timeline (CT - Clouds Timeline).
Zack is going to be from a timeline that came from T1 (T1-Future?) who's meddling caused the story to change into Timeline 2(T2).
And Older!Sephiroth is presumably from the future of T2 who's meddling now caused the timeline to change to T3.
That's presuming that everyone who showed up have come from successive timelines, meaning that Older!Sephiroth is from T2 and not a totally different reality (Alternate Timeline - AT).

What I'm not exactly sure is where Don Corneo fits in, did he come from a Shinra-Wins!Future (same as AT? Or another one?) and then somehow made it to the past which turned into T1 which then was somehow discovered by CT? Or is this following the paradox theory that time travel is only possible because of time travel and he actually came from a successive timeline (eg. T6? T8?)?
Aynon chapter 22 . 1/23/2016
Maybe adding Valentine will be enough to stop the horrible future from happening! Here's to hoping that knowing who his real mother is (and maybe even talking to her), having a father who will love and protect him, and then learning the truth about the future will be enough of a counterbalance. Fingers crossed! Looking forward to the next chapter.
Black Fox34 chapter 22 . 1/11/2016
Ok I don't know if your still active In here or not but I would love to finish reading A Soldiers Weapon. I'll be looking forward to the updates.
k123 chapter 22 . 10/12/2015
This fic is so great! It's really interesting how you tie in multiple timelines. I feel so bad for Seph, who only wants to help, and for Cloud who could never say no to him :(. I'm glad he doesn't seem to be going insane in this timeline - which means it's all about the happy ending :).
viviboo chapter 22 . 9/23/2015
Oh my, the things have gone quite pear shaped for the time travelers and I quite like it! Now that the turks are in the know I wonder if information will stay there or not. Based on canon, the turks are at this point of story first and foremost loyal to Shinra but the same company did screw over one of their own... I'm looking forwards to read more of our favorite evil professor, Hojo, who is currently pissed that Cloud has the S cells. Since he thinks that WolfHaven stole from him, wonder how he will react. Happy to read that you haven't given up on this story. Can't wait for your next upload ;)
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