Reviews for The Ansible Project
CMVreud chapter 1 . 5/4/2014
Now that's- that's-
I don't know.
But it's on par with an little mono-dialogue in an Potter-crossover, wherein a police-officier gets oblivated (oblivation is the erasing and changing of memories/ to save the secret that magicains exist), but she has a failsave, a recording on her morning run cassette and every time she hears it, after being oblivated, she thinks that they (the obliviators) killed her previous self, because that's what they essentially do.
They killed the person who recorded that message.
Yours is just a different way, a different approach on the 'what IS'.
But damn, if it's not epicly awesome.
For stories like yours.
ezmegaz chapter 1 . 9/4/2013
Nice story. I've always felt that Ender and Shinji were a lot alike in many ways (and different in others).

I wonder what Ender would do in the NGE universe. Probably the Angels would self-destruct out of fear the moment he set foot in NERV.
killroy225 chapter 1 . 4/21/2012
HOT DAMN! i hope you will continue this soon :)
VG8H3UTSK655IP chapter 1 . 2/27/2012
It could be that Shinji, with his infinite power, decided that he wanted to simply change realities in order to make his last true friend the dreamer...
dzk87 chapter 1 . 2/6/2012
The only thing here I dislike is that the only character listed is Shinji, but you have Ender be real instead... They should both wake up, and both think that the other is the dream.
Velocityshade chapter 1 . 5/17/2011
This is really awesome. The concept is quite intriguing, and it's greatly under-reviewed. Here's hoping this fic will get the recognition it deserves.
Where the gras is greener chapter 1 . 5/4/2011
Hm... I don't get the last part, the message. I should probably read Ender's Game and then reread this story.

Otherwise, intriguing.
Hijokugei chapter 1 . 4/7/2011
While I can't say this is the most brilliantly original use of creative writing ever (you essentially summarized both plots, then emphasized the friendship bit), you nevertheless kick massive ass with your message and do it VERY well. The fic focuses on the right things and then expounds well on the implications thereof. Good job!
CANON FODDER KING chapter 1 . 3/21/2011
Okay. Some one just did a NGE/Ender fic and it... worked?

Quantum Rose chapter 1 . 2/5/2011
Still me! i simply don't understand why this website don't allow the same person to review twice! And if I had told the story. I would make the two boys all thought each other was a dream, but they were both real, and they would got further contact through dreaming...
redactedredactedreducted chapter 1 . 2/5/2011
Wonderful story, wonderful idea! Some of the best fics lie abandoned! However it is still a little unsatisfactory. First, I remember Ender was younger than Shinji? And it may be too abrupt that they began to ask each other their own story before they had a further understanding of each other's world, for you know, young children are keen on the existence of other worlds! The concern about their own and the other's story can slowly leak in during they introduce their own world to each other.