Reviews for The Fire of the Sun
Guest chapter 13 . 7/14/2024
Absolutely disgusting that you kept in the part of a toddler being imprinted on. There should’ve been a trigger warning for mentions of childhood sexual assault. Thanks for causing a ptsd episode
iaitsswajid chapter 1 . 5/13/2024
It's 2024. This was written 12yrs ago and I have been DYING to find some fanfiction where Jacob n Bella end up together. This was amazing, as I don't accept Stephanie Meyers ending for Jacob, this is it right here. And I do have to say, it was a lil bit better than her writing. Don't know if you're still active but I'm gonna say thank you so much for this.
Guest chapter 7 . 5/5/2024
Love your work, your suffering matters
weasel chapter 23 . 3/29/2024
God, if this line doesn't encapsulate the awful yet simple part of grief

'I'd made Charlie eat frittatas for nothing. "No, thanks. I'm not hungry."'

God, I'm blubbering still. I love how you characterize Paul. I can get it like I get Leah; to love, but not have that special moment, to love but not connect, to envy it, but despise it. I relate a bit as someone on the ace aro spectrum. Even if that's not the text, and he has feelings for Bella-I can relate to that. I loved someone and even though it wasn't more, it made me more aware of myself in the end.

Anyway, dang good tear jerker
weasel chapter 22 . 3/29/2024
You're far braver than Meyer and I thank and hate you for that simutaneously. I think Sam's death hit the hardest, but so did Quil and Charlie's. Getting to see Sam's POV all these last chapters, knowing how young he really is (only 21!) and how he just needed time and space to figure it all out. I weeped even when I knew the POV cut away he was likely going to die
weasel chapter 19 . 3/29/2024
I have to admit I love Jasper's depiction. Honestly, would love if he was a main character too
indarkdirected chapter 25 . 11/9/2023
I found Movement on ao3 and was really intrigued by the premise and to see the changes you made. I haven't made it to LJ yet to read the commentary, but I basically inhaled them both yesterday, and really enjoyed them!

I wasn't aware of the anti-fan movement before this (although I've seen at least one fic in which Edward is portrayed negatively, and I remember a lot of the mainstream criticisms of Twilight), so I came in with the basic view of the family that I got from the novels, and I love the way my understanding of their inhumanity bloomed along with Bella's. It's been over a decade since I last read Twilight, and I went from: 'the Cullens have a well meaning but toxic and frequently creepy case of "we know best,'' to 'Edward isn't just creepy he's actively abusive and his family is complicit,' to 'there's nothing to reason with because these are literal monsters,' all the while screaming internally, sometimes at your cliffhangers and sometimes at how grotesque the Cullens become when you highlight their inhumanity.

The line in which Alice makes two dozen eggs for Bella, fully expecting that she would eat them all, really brought home the uncanny valley for me. Like, it fully flipped the switch to 'these people are corpses wearing skin suits, and they're playing with Bella like she's a doll.'

I loved the relationships you built between Bella and Charlie, as well as all the characters on the rez, and how they contrasted with her relationships with the Cullens. I didn't expect it, but the way you brought in Sam's pov was great too - strongly characterized and so sympathetic. Low key devastated by the losses at the end, but it was well written and definitely earned and super satisfying all the way through. Thank you for sharing!
BlindHuntress chapter 7 . 11/8/2023
Guest chapter 7 . 10/12/2023
Found this a couple days ago, and I’m telling myself this is how it always went in the original books. I really liked when your writing style shifted at the end of the last book, even though it was your goal to sound like Myer. Do you have any books published I can buy?
Scarlette Winter chapter 24 . 9/19/2023
I’m sobbing. I can’t believe three of my favorite characters are dead, reading Sam’s POV was sosososo refreshing and beautiful
Guest chapter 25 . 7/26/2023
so glad my friend made me watch New Moon on Sunday, leading me to think “this would be so much better if Jacob imprinted on Bella” and find the Movement of the Earth and this, which really scratched that itch for me. :D
Only a little stunned that I read them both in 2&1/2 days lol
A True Oncer chapter 24 . 6/20/2023
I could have left a glowing review after every chapter of this fic and it’s predecessor, but I could not stop reading. These stories were so well thought out and written. I love that Bella and Jacob didn’t want to succumb to the imprint. I love that Jacob got to not be the Alpha. I love that Bella actually has healthy relationships with her friends! I love that you made me actually like Sam. I may never be able to forgive you for *SPOILER* killing Charlie—my absolute favorite character, though. You improved him as a character so much! I loved it, and I’m so glad he died knowing the truth (though I would have loved if he lived because he’s the love of my life, but as a writer, I completely understand your decision to kill him off). These two fics were the first “Twilight” fanfics I’ve ever read, and let me tell you, this is an excellent start. Thank you for writing this story and sharing it with the world. It brought so much joy to my life and made me break out of some writer’s block.
rads chapter 7 . 4/20/2023
Hey, sorry I've been a totally lurky reader but I LOVE your books SO MUCH 33333
Bb34 chapter 19 . 4/14/2023
Damn they are scary and crazy
Bb34 chapter 18 . 4/14/2023
Hope she dies
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