Reviews for The Fire of the Sun
itsLissa chapter 4 . 11/29/2022
I'm skiping whatever parts the Cullens show up because i hate what you did with them in this fics but i really like you take in the imprinting debacle and the relationship between Bella and Jacob.
FuelMyDelusions chapter 7 . 11/15/2022
Stupid ass edward did all of that ON PURPOSE AHHHH. Like he obviously knew Charlie would hear. What a little shithead! Also how could Jake hide it from the pack? Once he phases they’ll read his mind
FuelMyDelusions chapter 6 . 11/15/2022
OH MY GODDDDD I am suffering and FUMING during this chapter I hate Edward AAHHHHHH
lsariah.costa chapter 7 . 9/3/2022
devilishsteph chapter 24 . 8/11/2022
As good as this is, I was a bit disappointed with its direction. I had such high hopes after reading the first one. But that's just because I know what I like. Good story though and it was written lovely. Just missing lemons
chachagirl34 chapter 24 . 6/12/2022
This entire duology (that what I’m calling it) was amazing. This is canon as far as I’m concerned idc
chachagirl34 chapter 21 . 6/12/2022
This was my 13th reason
chachagirl34 chapter 19 . 6/12/2022
I’m going feral
Slushpuppie714 chapter 6 . 3/17/2022
I can’t stop reading your stories. I am literally having trouble putting down my phone long enough to take care of my family like I’m supposed to. I don’t want to sleep tonight bc all I want to do is read. I love how you made Edward an even bigger butt than Meyer, I honestly never really liked him and now it’s like I don’t like him even more. Awesome job!
JB4Ever chapter 7 . 2/17/2022
Well, I'm here, a few years later
but will be to the end.
JB4Ever chapter 4 . 2/17/2022
I love your sarcastic wit, I love reading your updates
almost as much as I love your story.
Your story makes alot more sense to me than what SM wrote
like the affects their presence have on normal humans, that's what they use
to make anyone ignore the signs of danger and need to run for their lives,
instead they become become mesmerized.
Your explanation of the way their voice affects the wolves through the phone line
also makes sense.
The so called love between Bella and leech always seemed fake and forced
SM tried too hard there, but I always suspected that Bella is SM, the books are about her
fantasies and if the way Bella acted after the, sparkle douche leech, left was natural to her
SM needs medical help , the mental health kind.

You're also right about her characters, they were OOC, especially Bella and especially after the leeches came back. This girl who fainted at the sight of blood and hated the cold, decided to die
and live off blood and live in the cold forever is whacked.

I really wish the books could be written over the right way and in a way that makes sense
If I could I would buy the rights to them and hire someone like you or Nikki to do it the right way.

Vampires that sparkle in the sun, they sound like fairies and I don't know how she thinks kissing cuddling a cold piece of marble is romantic. You'll have add layers of clothing for those romantic
Ling chapter 24 . 2/12/2022
So darn amazing. It's been a while since you wrote this but thank you so much for writing it. The last conversation between Renée and bella: Epic. That's talent right there. Hope you and your loved ones are doing fine. Thanks again.
Guest chapter 7 . 1/30/2022
tessa chapter 24 . 1/25/2022
god damn. okay i definitely cried my eyes out. this fic is so good. so oo so good
tessa chapter 19 . 1/25/2022
i am genuinely mind blown holy freaking shit! THE! tHE REVELATIONs! THE PLOT TWISTS! ~OH HOW THE TURNS HAVE TABLED~ this is awesome.
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