Reviews for Numbered Lithograph
PineappleBoxers chapter 11 . 5/1/2012
I was so happy when Lovino told Antonio his favorite color. I raised my fist in the air, no joke. YAY A SMALL CONNECTION HAS BEEN MADE. LORDY LOVINO HAS BEEN NEEDING THAT HUG SINCE CHAPTER ONE.
PineappleBoxers chapter 10 . 5/1/2012
Talk about mixed signals. Lovino must be so confused.

This is all so fluffy and angsty. It's just lovely. I can't even write a decent review. I'm just enjoying this fic so much. I hope you get that from this.
PineappleBoxers chapter 5 . 4/30/2012
My heart sunk for Lovino when Antonio finally admitted to liking Feli. I just, gah. I want to hug Lovino even though he'd punch me in the face.

PineappleBoxers chapter 2 . 4/29/2012
Aw shucks, Lovi is the cutest!
frakfk chapter 29 . 4/22/2012
So cute, definitely one of the best fics I've ever read.
frakfk chapter 28 . 4/22/2012
I have been so obsessed with this fic for the last few days, I can't stop reading. I's so amazing.
DefineSugar chapter 29 . 4/22/2012
That ending was amazing! This story is amazing! I teared up at the end. In fact, I cried several times while reading this. I laughed too of course. You are such a great writer; everything was detailed, planned out, and made sense. Its long enough to be a book. I love it when a story has an actual plot and doesnt end so quickly. I think this is the second best fanfiction that I have ever read, and Ive read quite a few. You definately need to keep writing!
J.E.McCormickGal chapter 29 . 4/18/2012
Oh my God I love this story so much! The plot was great and didn't go too fast or too slow, your characterisation was brilliant, and the ending was kinda 'fdghjkjhgfcv /asplosion from cute'

But that could just be because I'm a total sucker for Spamano and you wrote my OTP so wonderfully brilliantly that I was basically about to asplode anyway.

This is a great, great story, loved it so~~ much :D
LuckyStarWitch chapter 29 . 4/18/2012
I really don't know what to say about it so to make it simple and in Lovino's words:

That was FUCKING awesome!

Yeah...That's it!wb

Kinda felt like you rushed the ending a little though? O.o? Ahh...but maybe it's because its been awhile since I've read the front part...w? Oh well~

I love this story~ It's so sweet and heart-wrenching and it made me just have to leave a review for this! wb

And I also really love how you describe things in such detail! I can practically imagine how Lovi's art looks like and I feel like I can smell those delicacies made by Antonio! w Really good job on that department!

I don't know about the others but I quite liked the way you wrote out the sex between Spamano~~w~~

It seemed more sensual and more emotional than just plain sexy smut...

The characters were a little OOC at times but not much and the grammar mistakes were rare as well wb

I didn't quite like a few parts here and there but overall, I'd think that this was a very good read and totally worth the months of waiting! QwQb

I really hope to see more of your works~~
HexeYuki chapter 29 . 4/17/2012
Words can not describe how much I love this. Honestly. I can close to tears so many times... The way this was written was simply beautiful; I understood the way everyone was feeling so clearly... Just wow. I can say nothing else but wow.
xox.heart chapter 29 . 4/16/2012
Wow, sorry this took me ages to review. I think some part of me didn't want to admit that this was the end you know.

But wow, what a way to end it. Made my heart beat and smile. I'm not a huge fan of marriage endings, but this one was great, and sweet.

This whole thing, just about every chapter as so wonderful, heartbreaking and perfectly put together, it's a huge achievement and you should be so proud!
cylobaby chapter 29 . 4/16/2012
That was absolutely stunningly beautiful 3
Deadeyesforyou chapter 29 . 4/14/2012
Oh gosh this story. It was so amazing. HAH! It was so detailed and amazing! It made me interested in printmaking too XDDD I loved this story, the detail and emotion felt so real. I cant believe how interesting it could be to just to read about Lovino's everyday life in college XDDDD Bahahaha, I read this story in one go and i couldn't rip my eyes away from it! I stayed up til 3 in the morning finishing it! I waited for today to comment though because i was too tired to even look at the screen anymore XD Hahahaha, thank you so much for sharing this story with everyone, it was, once again, AMAZING.

Keep on writing!

3 Odisdera ;3
KirishimaYui chapter 29 . 4/14/2012
To be honest, I was contemplating whether I should read this last chapter or not. I didn't want to finish such an outstanding story! However, I wanted to know how it ended! Words can't express how much I loved your story. I ended up reading some of the chapters in school (even during class) and in the car 'cause I needed to know what happened next. I couldn't wait another second. It's kinda funny how I kept looking up the definitions for a couple of words every 5-10 minutes XD. I'm not complaining; this story actually helped increase a little of my vocabulary so I thank you for that. I'm looking forward to the sequel and your other upcoming stories you have for us!
lilalovex chapter 29 . 4/13/2012
i'm sorry but when i read ""Yes, yes, fucking yes," Lovino cried, crumpling to his knees and grasping his arms around the Spaniard's shoulders, back shuddering as he cried into his neck." i could not help but laugh a little lovi saying that? come on no "shut up you bastard"?
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