Reviews for Far Too Many Time Travelers
Spica75 chapter 7 . 7/3/2018
This is one of the novel stories, of course i'm going to keep reading any new chapters, hopefully coming shortly! ;)
PaulBlay chapter 7 . 7/3/2018
Hmm, did I spot a reference to The Traveler in Black? He of many names, but one nature?
Selias chapter 7 . 7/3/2018
Oh, hey, I had forgotten about this. Glad to see that this got an update.
misherukuro chapter 7 . 7/3/2018
LOL thanks for sharing your writing.
janefanatic chapter 6 . 1/9/2018
This was pretty funny. I liked Neville and Parvati, in particular!
janefanatic chapter 1 . 1/9/2018
This made me laugh a lot! Thanks for sharing!
Griseo chapter 5 . 12/15/2017
By the way, sorry for the immense review on chapter 6. Couldn't help myself. Thank you for sharing your wonderful works with us commoners! Kudos.
Griseo chapter 6 . 12/15/2017
Honestly? I kinda wish Harry would triumph in another parallel dimension and travelled back in time at the very end, the last traveller. But maybe that'd defeat the whole point of this story so meh. Also, I'd hate to find out what those girls Susan and Hannah would do if they found out Harry wasn't an innocent kid anymore. They're barely holding themselves back from becoming pedophiles... I really liked the concept of this plot, even if it was a bit frustrating watching everyone minus the main character know what's going on and taking action. Still, it's brilliant.

I don't have much of a preference for any of the options. I think it'd be easier for you to just write what you're more inclined to, since reading something you enjoyed writing is funner than what you wrote by a sense of obligation.

OPTION A) Good to know what's coming next.

OPTION B) In my opinion, a bit of a bore, reading about past happenings that do not effect the plot greatly (the rules, Sirius and his new job, etc). Still, it'd be nice knowing more about what the travelers were busying themselves with (Malfoy in particular).

OPTION C) Interesting, since they weren't really allowed to mention anything to their friends. Got me curious to what else they've learned and what happened in that cave (or whatever else it was).

OPTION D) I've always been a fan of sad, depressing stories. Even though I am left hollow inside for a while afterwards. (I take relating to the characters very seriously...)
sinor gamer chapter 1 . 12/7/2017
believe me I got a headache towards the end
Goldeneyeddragon101 chapter 4 . 10/4/2017
Oh, wait ... It's Neville. *bangs head for being such an insufferable idiot*
Goldeneyeddragon101 chapter 3 . 10/4/2017
Is Draco the one who killed the troll?
maripaz6 chapter 6 . 7/18/2017
LOL this is a hilarious story! A great twist on an overused trope, sending multiple time travellers back. And Ginny- she gives me the chills. And where is Tonks? Is she impersonating one of the 1st years? No, that'd be counterproductive since shesafter a political figure... also, I'm guessing Malfoy took his family and ran. Or Crouch killed him. But probably the former.

Now please please please update again because I can't wait to see more! Please! :)
Prince Pondincherry chapter 6 . 7/10/2017
It's funny, I hate super!Harry, but ridiculously competent Neville is just awesome.
Spica75 chapter 6 . 7/4/2017
Option E, whatever works best for you writing more of this story?
LBibliophile chapter 6 . 6/25/2017
I think it makes most sense for Sirius to be one of the next time travelers - probably September year 3. This could happen one of two ways.
1) He falls through the veil and accidentally travels that way
2) He survives the Ministry fight and various other things happen with the war (perhaps Wormtail does kill Harry at Malfoy Manor?), and he finds a way to come back so he can kill Wormtail properly/sooner. He gets incredibly annoyed when he arrives and, instead of replacing a barely-human version of himself who has just escaped Azkaban, it turns out the situation was all resolved two years ago and he had a life...
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