Reviews for Something Good Can Work
GleeEditz.Samchel chapter 4 . 4/27/2017
OMG please update! I want to see what happens why u gotta leave it on a cliffhanger man!
Supernatural-Girl17 chapter 4 . 5/18/2012
Love this story and chapter so far! hoping to read more of this story later! hope so and can't wait! :) 3
Sophie chapter 4 . 11/12/2011
Please update. Its really good!
Caitlebug chapter 4 . 10/27/2011
I know that you havent updated in 6 months but please make another one! :(
Gryffindor4eva chapter 4 . 6/6/2011
Wicked Story!
XxStefany369xX chapter 4 . 5/15/2011
Omg please continue I really enjoy reading your story so PLEASE continue :)
LNCrow chapter 4 . 5/14/2011
Update soon please! I love this story! Ahhh! Poor Sam:( I hope Rachel can help him! I think he's pretty sexy if you ask me.
mygirlhermione chapter 4 . 4/17/2011
Wow. Poor Sam! This fic is great! I love Sam/Rachel and I can't wait to see what happens next!
FaithfulToLea chapter 4 . 4/17/2011
brighteyescoldheart chapter 4 . 4/15/2011
Omg! I hope Rachel helps Sam in tim! Update! Now! *stomps foot*
ImperialChaos chapter 4 . 4/13/2011
I genuinly love this. Its brilliant!

Also poor sam what with his body image issues :(
Darth Hilarious chapter 4 . 4/12/2011
Great place to end the chapter, a cliffhanger. That sucks for the readers, can't wait for the next chapter. Sam is a very strange character in Glee and you have taken one of his trait and written it in a very tasteful way. Sam can't tie his shoelaces, has body dysmorphic disorder, a dyslexic that manages to learn another language on his own (no teachers for Navi). Rachel telling him that he can't be fat using a powerpoint presentation somehow pops into my head when I imagine the next chapter.
julie chapter 2 . 4/12/2011
it's good but some part were overexaggerated. for example, when you said finn turned deathly pale, it didn't sound right for the situation. you could have said finn froze or he opened his mouth to say something but didn't.
MayaDitty chapter 4 . 4/12/2011
Oh my god ! Your story is so awesome !
Princesakarlita411 chapter 4 . 4/12/2011
aw aw aw will sam b ok
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