Reviews for Conversations Over Coffee
InspireRae chapter 1 . 2/14/2011
Wow, great first chapter.

See ya tomorrow!
Sunflowerfields chapter 1 . 2/14/2011
I love the lightheartedness of this story. Flirting is so fun, I love it!
AdonicaSS chapter 1 . 2/14/2011
Love the flirty convo - and on Valentines' Day, too - how appropriate.

A new story makes my heart happy. Thanks, bb.

dazzled 24-7 chapter 1 . 2/14/2011
This is really cute and adorable! I'm looking forward to seeing where you take this and how you develop it.

Just want to say, that it's awesome that you plan to post each day this week! Thanks for that! Are we to understand that this is a short story? How many chapters do you plan on having?
isabeausink chapter 1 . 2/14/2011
"You could be," she says smiling. "You might be. I just don't know."

The above musing encapsulates the sweet possibilities your characters might be up for.


Speaking of David Sedaris, here's to hoping that E & B are not star-crossed lovers ala' the squirrel and the chipmunk.

Thanks for writing.
fandomorphan chapter 1 . 2/14/2011
This seems like it's going to be really sweet. Can't wait to read more.
Curls4twilight chapter 1 . 2/14/2011
Love the cute flirty conversation. Can't wait to read each morning! :)
EMCxo chapter 1 . 2/14/2011

Pie and coffee go together like you & Marvar.

Loved that the simple dialogue carried the chapter.

Loved B's comment about David Sedaris. I read DS and listen to NPR. js

Great idea to do a chapter update every morning. I love waking up to you in my box.


Angie66 chapter 1 . 2/14/2011
I really love this first chapter it's sweet .Thank you and already can't wait for tomorrow
packermom chapter 1 . 2/14/2011
I love it, and a new chapter everyday. I'm so excited!
polly000 chapter 1 . 2/14/2011
so cute
cheermom13 chapter 1 . 2/14/2011
great 1st chap
Bredkawaygirl chapter 1 . 2/14/2011
I love this! It's so sweet and fun in it's simplicity. Just two people who like each other trying to get to know one another. Lovely.
GothicTemptress chapter 1 . 2/14/2011
Yay, a new story from you! And it looks like it will be a fun one to read already! Cosmo, I can't wait to follow this one too! Miss you, girl, and I hope that you are doing well. Happy Valentines day to you and your love. ;)
Debbi84 chapter 1 . 2/14/2011
So sweet.
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