Reviews for Sideline Collision
Rita01tx chapter 21 . 7/11/2021
Awww, no way was baby Rainbow gonna be left behind LOL! What a trip!
Rita01tx chapter 20 . 7/11/2021
So, there's no place like home but only if you never leave it 'cause you can never go home just won't be the same *sigh!*
Rita01tx chapter 19 . 7/11/2021
Wow! Bella has/had some serious hidden talents...who knew!? Okay, everyone knew but Edward LOL!
Rita01tx chapter 18 . 7/11/2021
Well, Bella is all kinds of awesome but so is Edward...and Rainbow, of course LOL!
valentinesgenie chapter 33 . 7/10/2021
This was a beautiful one shot update great work until next time take care.
Rita01tx chapter 17 . 7/10/2021
Rainbow is becomin' quite the character in her own right LOL!
Rita01tx chapter 16 . 7/10/2021
Maybe now, Edward will have a bit more sympathy for poor Jaspy and his own brother LOL!
Rita01tx chapter 15 . 7/10/2021
Hilarious talk with dad...great shoppin' trip with mom...wonderful surprise at the end, especially for Reed Girl LOL!
Rita01tx chapter 14 . 7/10/2021
Any other doctor worth his salt: "Why,'re twitterpated, that's all!"
Rita01tx chapter 13 . 7/10/2021
No one can resist a kitten with the zoomies LOL!
LOLO 5-0 chapter 33 . 7/10/2021
OMG ! I so missed his talks with Rainbow and Reed girl. Such a wonderful visit with them.
JayNahNah chapter 33 . 7/9/2021
Aww…..I love it! Makes me want to do a reread!
Nannyjojo chapter 33 . 7/9/2021
That did make me chuckle.
Thank you for sharing.
Rita01tx chapter 12 . 7/9/2021
www, how could Bella not be imaginin' bein' part of such a fun family LOL!
Rita01tx chapter 11 . 7/9/2021
Startin' with that brilliant game, Edward's had one high after another and not the kind you get from drugs...well, he might consider Reed Girl his drug of choice LOL!
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