Reviews for Gravity Series 1: Blood & Glory
rosecoloredreader chapter 18 . 8/15
doing a reread of this series and im in my happy place. all these descriptions have me itching to see the pics of everything again, but i noticed your blog is gone?
WordsMusicMagic chapter 33 . 8/9
This should be a series of novels. Amazing writing! I cant wait to read everything you've ever written now. BTW, love this Edward and Bella, love the crew, love the premise. Thank you!
twibrarian88 chapter 14 . 5/26
I'm always so impressed with how you're able to keep everything straight! Even with Jenrar to help it's still quite a task.

- Deb VanAntwerp
twibrarian88 chapter 6 . 5/24
I can't figure out how you can take apple pie and a child molester and make it flow so well! You're amazing.

- Deb VanAntwerp
twibrarian88 chapter 5 . 5/24
I'm so glad Edward finally talked with someone about his nightmare situation!

- Deb VanAntwerp
twibrarian88 chapter 3 . 5/23
This was a terrifying chapter. I know you had to go detailed to make it realistic, but I bit the skin off of my lip reading this.

I'll be glad when she's back with her girls.

- Deb VanAntwerp
twibrarian88 chapter 2 . 5/23
This is very bad, and I remember that it gets worse before it gets better. I'm glad Edward went with Carlisle, because it will take both of them to get Bella out of this!

- Deb VanAntwerp
twibrarian88 chapter 1 . 5/23
I've read this story before - a couple of times - but I wanted to come back to it and add comments, which I am very bad about doing.

As before, this first chapter sets up this riveting story nicely.

- Deb VanAntwerp
katsword chapter 5 . 4/20
I'm new to this story and absolutely love it. (Pretty sure someone mentioned it on Facebook.)
I usually avoid fics featuring violence/assaults. Just wanted to say thanks and great job If you're still checking or receiving reviews from your 2011 story.
saintfudge chapter 2 . 4/7
I’m just starting this journey agin ..thanks for sharing have fun .. it’s one of my favourite stories and I thought I would take the ride again
JasiHT chapter 1 . 4/6
Starting a re-read of the whole series…. If anyone needs me, I’ll be curled up on the couch, staring at my phone.
Guest chapter 1 . 3/13
Thanks for
share this amazing story with Spanish readers. You’re a great author!
IloveyouRob chapter 24 . 12/28/2023
I can totally see where they’re coming from! It’s one thing after another and starts to feel overwhelming when you see all these things piling up before you so quickly. Now it’s back to the drawing board
IloveyouRob chapter 23 . 12/27/2023
The lawyer is definitely guilty of something! So many things coming to the light now !

That Miller is a piece of work! I can’t wait till they get him.
IloveyouRob chapter 22 . 12/26/2023
I sometimes find myself so far into the story I forget to leave a review.
Loved the chapter! Can’t wait for them to end it all with Royce and Miller so they can all get to starting their new lives together!
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