Reviews for Eternal Changes
LaCrociato chapter 39 . 10/5/2014
My heart is crying right now(TT)! Why did Hudson have to die? Oh my God! I really wasn't expecting that to happen, I thought he got transferred or retired or something, NOT DIE! Oh that is so sad...I feel so sorry for Reid, Morgan and Nichols... Just when I finally liked and approved of Hudson...
I really like this fanfiction. It was written well and the plot fit well with the actual series, I can actually imagine this happening in the series. I can easily imagine this happening when Reid joins BAU.
I love this story and the ending was bitter sweet. I'll miss Hudson, he was a good guy.
riverlover chapter 39 . 9/1/2014
This was an amazing story. I loved the way you developed the characters and made the story come to life. Thank you for writing and sharing it.
Miss Lizzy-chan chapter 39 . 7/4/2014
Really good story! I cried in the end lol. Love it, nothing better than a Criminal Mind marathon, following up with a good CM story like that :)
kdhark chapter 39 . 7/2/2014
This is probably the best CM fic I've read. The OCs were so well developed, the cases were good, and their felt like their was a cohesive story. Definitely better than some CM episodes and published works. Thank you for sharing.
Gubefan1980 chapter 39 . 6/28/2014
This was a great story I have ck out IMDb to see if that character actually exhisted. I dont recall all the names of BAU members Of course we know Morgan was prescient, Reid's days of Dilaudid are not over thanks for great story.
Gubefan1980 chapter 38 . 6/28/2014
Bwahahshaha, baby boy just can't help himself. That was cute. Loved Derek clamping his hand over Reid's mouth. This was sad, depressing, funny, just a mixed bag of emotions. I cried reading a couple of chapters despite already knowing so much abt Spencer's young life. Sad about Hudson's situation with his fsther. Loved that Morgan came around fairly quickly. Xo
Gubefan1980 chapter 35 . 6/28/2014
Im catching up with the series in syndication, and despite the issues of the other agents, Spencer Reid's seem to be the most angst ridden and tragic of all. I can see why fans complained abt Maeve's death on the CM Facebook page. Geez give the kid a break. This is an interesting well written story I've written fan fiction based on characters from a movie but to accurately portray FBI procedure so well is amazing.
Gubefan1980 chapter 34 . 6/28/2014
This has been a heartstopping few chapters. Although I didn't see the movie, SK books are way too creepy for my tastetaste; I saw the previews and as soon as I read abt the cabin, I knew it was Misery. I saw Carrie and that was enough Stephen King for my taste. He has a seriously twisted mind. Great job. Morgan was coming around on his own, shame Hudson had to be called out a couple of times to stop being such a bully. B
Gubefan1980 chapter 29 . 6/28/2014
Very nicely developing realionship btwn Morgan and Reid. And it's kind that he's aware of the barbs thrown by Hudson that Reid wasn't aware of. He may find Reid annoying at times, but he also knows Hudson is just plain mean. I like the way you are evolving Morgan's character to notice Reid's body language and that cryptic though some of Reid's comments may be, that there may be a sad story behind them.
Gubefan1980 chapter 25 . 6/28/2014
That was a good solution to the secret Santa problem I have no doubt Hudson would have gone out of his way to humuliate Spencer. Morgan is turning out to be a decent man.
Gubefan1980 chapter 22 . 6/28/2014
I like that Morgan is starting to come around and is willing to rethink his initial reaction to Reid. He's a decent man, and a potential friend. Hudson seems a lost cause and my perception of him is that he will lose his job over his issues with Reid. This was a nice chapter showing Morgan's attempt at making some friendly gestures toward Spencer.
Gubefan1980 chapter 19 . 6/28/2014
Nice that Morgan is starting to regret the way he teased Reid. The other agent, suddenly gorget his name to ready to blame
Gubefan1980 chapter 14 . 6/27/2014
That was nice of Morgan to stand up for Reid. You know more about this than I could even follow but it was a fun ride. Love the diversion Reid created in laundromat.
Gubefan1980 chapter 5 . 6/27/2014
I'm not good at reviewing on each chapter, however I love this beginning for Spencer. I'm a new fan of CM, and although I've seen the first season in syndication, the writers didn't dwell to much on Reid's entrance into the BAU, and you are doing a great job.I'd also like to compliment you for tackling the daunting job of writing in your non-native language. You are doing very well. The only reason I'm making the following suggestions is because you specifically requested help in that area. It is unnecessary to use the adverb "had" which is past tense of have in many instances. Eg. (I'm correcting sentences without had and changing sentence structure) "profilers tried to get a feel" "actual murders took place" "no DNA evidence could be linked to the unsub" "the man who called in" "the deputy who drove him" previous chapter Hotchners gave Spencer, not had given. Means the same thing but less wordy and cumbersome. Otherwise fantastic job.
Gubefan1980 chapter 1 . 6/27/2014
This is a good start. If their love affair didn't begin at the beginning, this would be my choice. Unless it would be after the anthrax scare. I dunno. Hard choice I just ship my boys. Must be honest im not good at reviewing each chapter. But love this start.
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