Reviews for Eternal Changes
Guest chapter 39 . 11/23/2012
No it can't be over I'm gonna cry I love This story I love morgan, reid, nichols even hudson was growing on me. Well done. I'm looking forward to reading more of your writing
Poet Wroet chapter 39 . 11/22/2012
I really like Nichols.
Trolliworm1993 chapter 39 . 11/18/2012
omg! I love this so much!
mysticmoon1331 chapter 39 . 11/15/2012
i absolutely LOVE this story! thank you so much for writing it and sharing it here! i would love to read any others you choose to write for this 'verse, expecially a sequal if you decide to write more. either way, this verse was very well enjoyed. thanks again! :D
wkgekpogvpwnb chapter 39 . 11/13/2012
Okay, yeah, I was right. This was AMAZING! Im not sure if you remember my 1st review, but I thought this story was gonna be great and it WAS! Gosh, I'm gonna go check out some of your other stuff!
reading-is-breathing25 chapter 39 . 11/13/2012
AMAZING! nuff said.
reading-is-breathing25 chapter 32 . 11/13/2012
Was the Harry Potter reference intentional?
wkgekpogvpwnb chapter 3 . 11/12/2012
Ok so I know I haven't gotten very far into this story, but it looks really good! I mean, your writing is superb and you captured the essence of these characters really well! I'm sure the rest of the story is gonna be just as great!
Toothless' Human Hatchling chapter 39 . 10/14/2012
Ok to be honest I abandoned this story in chapter 18 a long time ago. And today I decided to finish it. It took up a good chunk of my day but it was worth it. The only reason I stopped was because I felt it was wasting my time when I could have been reading other stories. But that was a mistake on my part. If hadn't abandoned it I wouldn't have been by plagued by the what ifs. I'm glad to have now finished this story even though the ending was sad. I was actually hoping that Hudson hadn't been killed by bale and that he was put on a different BAU team or something like that
The Forgotten's Kanvas chapter 39 . 10/12/2012
It was a good read.
Beloved chapter 39 . 9/30/2012
I'm starting a new job tomorrow (well, later today now), and the fabulousness that is this fic has lead to me not sleeping!

It's great - even though it isn't my usual Morgan/Reid slash, the characterisation was spot on, I 3 your original characters...just great.
LaRieNGuBleR chapter 39 . 9/24/2012
I wasn't around when this story was active, but I'm glad I found it eventually. You made me think of the first time I saw SSA Reid on screen, I really miss that guy (but doesn't mean I don't love him now, just miss the innocent Spencer before Hankle.)
midnightsun198 chapter 39 . 9/24/2012
awesome story. love what you did and how you did it
LianaRamsay chapter 39 . 9/16/2012
I kinda wish there was a sequel to Eternal Changes, not 'The Fax Machine' but reading about how they actually adjust to everything, Gideon leaving, David coming back, Elle joining, Nichols getting promoted, Reid's drug use, Hotch's divorce and him becoming widowed...etc...I think that it would honestly be amazing. You have a real skill for writing Criminal Minds...It was honestly amazing. :)
seacat03 chapter 39 . 8/12/2012
I loved seeing the beginning of Reid and the team. I would love to see another story with Hudson and Nichols.
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