Reviews for Eternal Changes
Guest chapter 39 . 9/17/2011
Wow it amazes me how good of a writer you are. Great job
Seylin chapter 39 . 9/17/2011
You're sad? I'm depressed. This is like... the only story on my watch list that was being updated regularly.

I think it was a good end and I was honestly like "NO!" when I read that Hudson had died. I kinda wish that had been a chapter in itself. I'm such a fan of angst it's kinda crazy.

Hudson & Nichols fic? Yes please :D
william's keeper chapter 39 . 9/17/2011
While I may be sad that the story has ended, I loved all of it dearly. I hope that I will find other stories from you in the future as this was very well writen.
kajo chapter 39 . 9/17/2011
I have loved this story, it's been a great ride. I really like the character development of Hudson, and the idea that he sacrificed himself for Reid.

I'd love to see a one shot from this universe where Reid is struggling post Revelations... another story with Nichols and Hudson also sounds great!
capricusp chapter 39 . 9/17/2011
Amazing story, very sad that it has ended. Any sequals or prequals would be wonderful.
Coconut Rum chapter 39 . 9/17/2011
All good things must come to an end I suppose *sniff* and a strong ending it is. I don't like to put spoilers in reviews (I sometimes will read random reviews to see if I want to read a story, so I assume others do too), so my next comments are a bit vague. The small reunion at the end was wonderful. While I expected a Boston connection (although I wasn't sure you would go there and to what length), I didn't expect the highly personal connection for Reid (and Gideon - yes I caught that). Nice way to tie it all together without being cliched, yet hit the emotional impact. And very fitting ... You tie your story and canon together very well. Loved the hospital visit too, which was reminiscent of the first one, and especially Hotch's reaction, which was true to form. Excellent story. I recommend it often.

And to answer your question, I'd definitely read another story in this universe.

Thanks for having two other good stories in the works (Anything Can Happen in Vegas and Consequences of Lies) to help make up for the loss of Eternal Changes. Consequences of Lies starts really strong. I'm not a fan of the "Emily is dead" storyline and I've avoided fanfiction dealing with it. I read the two chapters you have posted only because it is one of your stories. I'm hooked.
Guest chapter 39 . 9/17/2011
have thoroughly enjoyed your writing! sequel is good, yea. Hudson was ratherly quickly killed off, but if one of them had to buried it was a logical choice.

Be interesting to see how you would handle Gideon leaving and Reid's addiction.

Kind of hard to have another story about Hudson; you killed him off. MORE REID MORE MORGAN MORE NICHOLS
B00kw0rm92 chapter 39 . 9/17/2011
Oh, I'm so sad that this is ending too! This was wonderful though!
Anneila chapter 39 . 9/17/2011
It's finished, that's so sad... I love this fic! These updates are the ones I actually wait and hope for and there are no more. Snif...

Anyway, I love Nichols and like Hudson, so I would definitely like to read more of the pre-series cases or just one-shots of events between the cases.

You are a veeeery talented writer and I'm pretty sure I have all your curent projects on my alert list. You are the best at writing the emotional scenes without sounding clisée or too mushy. :)

I don't review often enough for anyone, so I just thought I'd take this opportunity to tell you that you are appreciated.

LynnAshe chapter 39 . 9/17/2011
Oh...just...oh. When Hotch started crying I joined in and didn't stop, the understated pathos of this epilogue is making my throat tight.

Morgan and Hotch taking turns checking Reid's pulse was breath-takingly sad.

I wondered what you were going to do with Hudson. The coin-toss as to whether Morgan or Hudson would go to Boston made the hair on the back of my neck stand up.

This story is better than the show, and nothing is better than the show. As Reid would say, the closest thing to a miracle as I've ever seen.

I would *love* to see another story with Hudson and Nichols. I would really really really love to see the Boston case, with Hudson saving Reid's life and the coin toss. Honestly, anything. This was so incredibly wonderful, I hate that it's over, even though I'm glad to have all my questions answered. I never would have imagined Hudson dying would make me choke up, when this story started. He was quite evil to my beloved genius. Just goes to show you, doesn't it?

Thank you thank you thank you!
tati1 chapter 39 . 9/17/2011
Hudson's death fits so well in the story line!

Yes, I'd love to read something else with Hudson and Nichols still on the team.

Thanks for the fic; I really enjoyed it.

lpearson chapter 39 . 9/17/2011
I have really enjoyed this story. It was so fun to see Reid as a super young and insecure agent and the way he was perceived by Morgan and Hudson. I would enjoy another story with Heudson and long as Reid is in it. Thank you so much for writing this.
santeelah chapter 39 . 9/17/2011
I am going to miss the story! I have loved it and it always brightened my day when there was an update. And you were so diligent about updating regularly. Thank you for that.

I loved how you tied in all the canon events. And all of your characterizations were spot on perfect. I would absolutely love to have another story with Hudson and Nichols. I usually do not care for OCs but you created two that were fun to read.

Thank you so much for this incredible fic! *APPLAUDS*
pipinheart chapter 39 . 9/17/2011
I hate to see this end, I could listen to this story forever.

I love that Hotch and Morgan are with Spencer as he wakes up in the Hospital, it seems Hotch is more of a father figure to him than a boss.

Hudson and Spencer didn't hit it off in the beginning, and was never close, but I was sad to hear he had died. He saved Spencer from death and that shows he did care for out little genius.

It was nice to see Nichols at the graveyard, it seems he can lighten any mood. He is a good friend to Spencer, though he is right, something is off with him.

Love that Nicholas and Garcia get together, the trouble they could come up with.

As for wanting to see another story with Hudson and Nichols, would love to. I grew to love these characters, and anything you want to write with this saga would love to hear it...

Loved it!
WindStar chapter 39 . 9/17/2011
Excellent ending really enjoyed it! Fantastically well done!
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