Reviews for Eternal Changes
innominateuser chapter 4 . 12/1/2019
Hi! I'm back to read and leave reviews. Sorry about my absence!

I'm not sure if I had admitted it already, but I haven't watched Criminal Minds in a good while. However, to come and read this, it helps rejuvenate my memories. Now, where you have Reid write letters to his mom, I do remember that, but I don't recall of ever seeing what Reid said in his letters to his mom in the show. My point is, is that I love how you write them because you really convey his emotions, portray his personality, and I can hear his voice, and to me, it really falls within the realms of canon - having insight on what Reid shares with his mother. You also did a pretty good job in showing that Reid still loves, cares and misses her.

You covered the basis and the foundation of the team before Reid gets fully acquainted with everyone. It made me smile when I read that Hotch has grown on Morgan. Given how long ago this story was written and setting, it is no wonder I feel nostalgic.

Morgan and Hudson are not on board with the newest team member, but I love how you had Gideon come to Reid's defense and also telling them a thing two. He makes a good point. I'm glad Nichols is giving Reid a chance though.

Hotch and Gideon work together to make sure Reid settles in with them. Awesome! I love it!
mythepoeia chapter 39 . 10/24/2019
I know it's been a few years, but i just found your story and I LOVE IT!
i cannot convey to you how much i love this story - i always wanted to know how it might've been when Reid started, and you hit it exactly how it should have been. the characters were dead-on, the storyline was wonderful how everything fit in, right up to the ending! so many feels, so many thoughts - i wish this would go on and on. if you're up to it, i would definitely want more stories with Hudson and Nichols and Morgan and Reid! you'd be great in filling in what happens behind the scenes of a lot of the episodes! awesome job!
innominateuser chapter 3 . 9/3/2019
The team gets a hint of a new member coming in. Reid graduates and it'll be his time to shine. To show what an assett he can be to the BAU. I love how you wrapped this together. At least Gideon, Hotch, and Haley were there to show their support for Reid, even though his mother couldn't. Despite her being a schizophrenic, I do imagine her expressing her support for Reid - as far as believing that he is special and that he can do anything if he puts his mind to it.

Another great chapter! I'm moving on to the next one.
innominateuser chapter 2 . 8/31/2019
Reading this chapter gave me strong nostalgic feels.

Characterization. Downright spot on! You achieved the special but professional commodore between Gideon and Hotch. Additionally, getting a feel for the original characters. Your writing in general is spot on! It's what also stood out to me among the rest of CM stories.

You summarized the whole situation of the team and with Reid very well. A balance between showing and telling so that readers can get a feel from them. I also really like how you implemented the idea of Gideon trying to get a media liaison. You expanded on the idea of how the BAU grew from what it was in the past. I love Gideon mentoring Reid, but I remember even loving Hotch more so stepping in as a mentor for him. I recall thinking that Hotch is a good father figure and Gideon is like a grandfather.
innominateuser chapter 1 . 8/30/2019

I'm reading your story over again. I'm in the mood for Criminal Minds, but of the original feel of CM. The show isn't the same for me personally anymore, but I'm glad that this story is here for me to turn to (which has more originality than anyone can ask for.) (However, I mean no offense to anyone who still loves the show.) In addition, I need to leave reviews, since I haven't before. Your story is well-deserving of more reviews!

Starting off the prologue with the episode, 'Revelation,' is a great place to start. I love how you delved into Morgan and Hotch's emotions here, leading up to their memories where Reid first joins the team.

I recall when I had first read this story and when I had just gotten into CM and became a Reid fanatic, that I was super excited to see a story involving Reid's days as a new member of the team. At the time, there were hardly any fics that had this idea, but when I came across your story, I was sold. Not only was this completed (by the time I got to this story), but this prologue sold me. Your writing is brilliant in general. You've nailed the characterization of Hotch and Morgan alone. You had so much more to deliver for future chapters to come). I was in for a real journey. I am looking forward to diving into this world again.
Iceleaf13 chapter 14 . 8/29/2019
Okay, I'm beginning to wonder about these sexist comments. Who cares if at least one of the people that beat Hudson in a fight was a woman?
baustan chapter 9 . 7/4/2019
It would make more sense for Reid's mother to be unhappy with him being in law enforcement as she is a paranoid schizophrenic with much of paranoid paranoia extending to fear of corruption in authority.
smileysweets chapter 28 . 10/13/2018
oh that's why
smileysweets chapter 27 . 10/13/2018
I can't stop thinking about Georgie from IT, now-
WishfulWriting chapter 39 . 10/12/2018
This was such a wonderful story. While the show has been around for ages I just recently started watching it. Your depiction of the characters, the plot, the pacing of the storyline - all phenomenal. I really enjoyed it. Thanks for sharing! Reid and Morgan are such a great dynamic and it was wonderful watching their relationship develop.
spxxxxx chapter 39 . 5/31/2018
Well, I love this story from start to finish though I feel a bit sad to find out that Hudson is gone. I was expecting brotherly interactions between him and Reid. Anyway, thank you for this amazing story.
Gotta Love a Story chapter 24 . 4/2/2018
KNEW IT! Good ol' Garcia!
Sona14 chapter 39 . 1/29/2018
You succeded in making not only an intresting plot with never ending tension but also in showing brilliant character-development (BAU Team as well as the UnSubs), authentic characters and even your own characters totally fit in and grow on ones heart!
I love this story! I read it in nearly one rush and whenever I had freetime!

Your way to incorporate the canon facts into your plot and hiw they were revealed was so amazing, I can't find the right words!
I love it how you show Reids struggle but also that Morgan wasn't from the verry start on nice to Reid and how logical you explanations of the reactions were (especially how people reacted to Reids early and 'easy' entrance to the BAU).

I also loved Diana and her interaction with Hotch and how you picked all those little, easy forgettable things up and reintroduced them later.

The last two chapters are a perfect ending in my opinion and even if it is a sad ending for Hudson you honored him and didn't forget him and Nichols in the end. I loved Nichols and in for me he will be forever a headcanaon I hold precious I would love to read more with them *o*

Sorry for my bad English, I'm still learning it.

I hope to read more from you,
love Sona
alalbe987 chapter 1 . 1/2/2018
So... it's 3 a.m. and I just couldn't stop reading until I finished. It is by far one of the best stories I've read, the plot made sense, the characters, including the originals, were well developed and everything felt natural. I know it's been a long time since you wrote this, but congratulations!
Stephanie MRV chapter 39 . 11/25/2017
You are an absolutely brilliant writter.
This is my favorite criminal minds story so far. I hope to read more from you in the future.
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