Reviews for Eternal Changes
smile chapter 5 . 10/3/2016
I'm enjoying this so much so far! I love Reid-centric fics, and this one has an amazing start. It's always great to read more about Reid's first years and integration into the BAU. The only thing that made me cringe was the reference to "Cal Tech" instead of "Caltech", but that's because I went there. Just something minor haha. Otherwise loving it! Hopefully this doesn't make me stay up too late trying to read through it all in one sitting.
tabbystardust chapter 39 . 9/28/2016
This is one of my favourite fics in this fandom. Just finished rereading it. I often find OCs boring but yours are really well written and interesting (Nichols is my fave). And I love the slowly developing Morgan/Reid friendship.
LifeasFantasy chapter 39 . 9/24/2016
Without a doubt the best Criminal Minds story I have ever read!
Aurialis chapter 39 . 6/24/2016
This story was fascinating, great job! I love the character development in all of them and their progression from coworkers/enemies (of sorts) to friends was fantastic. :D I really like the story, thank you for writing and sharing it!
Guest chapter 39 . 6/4/2016
This is the best criminal minds fic that I have ever read. this is perfect, thank you!
kayteau chapter 39 . 5/31/2016
Really enjoyed this. Very nice character development.
sugarmonkey778 chapter 39 . 2/16/2016
Wow. Just wow. Only one word can describe this and that is Amazing. This story will actually confuse me because it is so well written that it could practically be canon! Just great job. And I know this is a few years old but I am glad that I found it. Great work!
krusha chapter 39 . 1/8/2016
This is one of the best stories I have ever read. I really liked the way plot went and the slow bonding was awesome. Thanks for sharing this wonderful work with us.
ForeverRainingFire chapter 39 . 11/11/2015
Great story! I really enjoyed it!
OneDayI'llBeAnUnicorn chapter 39 . 10/9/2015
I really like te story, but it's sad that Hudson is dead.
He was a great character and was one of my favorites.
But you're an amazing writter and I just wat to tell you
Pidokkio chapter 39 . 9/10/2015
This story was just fantastic! Great job!
Guest chapter 39 . 9/3/2015
Love that story I'm sad it's over I would have read it forever and yes those were some good characters write more please!
Guest chapter 35 . 9/2/2015
Dear god why can't you be a writer for this show I would be so happy 3
Guest chapter 17 . 9/2/2015
No idea how Hudson has the balls to talk so much crap when he as a Seasoned veteran up chucked at the suitcase bodies LOL
silent song of shadows chapter 39 . 8/29/2015
Every time I read this I'm impressed by how excellently you wove your story. I absolutely loved reading it and would definitely read any sequels you might be inspired to write.

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