Reviews for A Mirkwood Elf in Dumbledore's Court
Nick chapter 5 . 5/12/2002
Wow. This story just gets better. So many spoof

cross over type stories are flat and silly, but

this one has amazing character and description.

Fantastic. I like you admitting 'creating' the

little Hufflepuff girl character - and calling

her a "Mary-Sue!" lol... but don't be too hard on her (( If I understand you correctly! :) ))

Anyway, I like her - and her reaction to Legolas.

nick chapter 2 . 5/12/2002
Wow, Sun-queen.

I have read only 1 chapter so far, and already

I am hooked! This is fantastic! I love it!

The description is beautiful

Bean2 chapter 12 . 5/12/2002
Wow. That is... thats just... its... wow. "Her lips were warm" had some odd affect on me, though i couldnt really tell you why. This story is wonderfully written, and I can say with complete honesty its the only Legolas fic ive ever really gotten into. I'm a hobbit lass, but this... its so wonderfully written, and beautifully intriguing that id read it if it were about a bug in Gimli's beard. Well done indeed. :)
ArWen of sMirkwood chapter 12 . 5/12/2002
great story, I'm loving it!You sure put a lot of effort in getting every detail from both books right...that's quite a feat!and yes, it's Earendil the star...Elendil is the Human king in the Last Alliance.

Poor Lego...dont do anything too bad to him!Yes Orlando is totally delectable...especially as Legolas...go on with the movie version of Legolas!
tik0 chapter 12 . 5/11/2002
This fic is excellent! PLEASE continue! Because, I am sorry to say, but I am a very impatient person. I'll go crazy and that is not a good idea because I am crazy enough as it is. For proof just read one of my fics.

There is going to be no way that I will be able to remember the name of this so I am going to save your fic as a favorite story. COOOOL! Keep writing! BYE!
nimoe32 chapter 12 . 5/11/2002
update update pleazzzzzzzzzzzzzze update if u do i'll will be royally happy -
Lembas chapter 12 . 5/10/2002
ACK! Lego is Sindarin! SINDARIN I SAY! The majority of the Elves under Thranduil's rule are Silvan, though.
Gaeria Elenath chapter 12 . 5/8/2002
Great story! Hope you keep the good work! And to all the reviewers out there who think Harry's become an elf, that isn't right. It's Dobby who becomes a Legolas type elf. They are brothers, am I right Sun Queen? Anyway, i love this story, and i was so happy that you got 2 chapters up on the same day! Keep up the great work!
Obi-Wan2 chapter 12 . 5/8/2002
UGH... how long must I wait for the next post? I might turn into Kathy Bates in Misery and just kidnap you and make you write more...LOL just kidding that would take out the the fun of everything. GOOD JOB with the story!
Eclectus chapter 12 . 5/8/2002
OMG, this is AWESOME, this such a COOL crossover! is the Mirror of Galadriel somehow connected to the Mirror of Erised in your story. I wonder what happens when Legolas meets the hose-elves:)

can't wait to see the rest:)
MeShelly chapter 11 . 5/8/2002
Harry should have used his firebolt to get down there! But anyway, great chapter, must read on... ~Michelle
smile7499 chapter 12 . 5/8/2002
Harry is an elf! mwahahahahaha! *clears throat* good chapter, i know exactly how you feel. too much to do at once!
smile7499 chapter 11 . 5/8/2002
yay! icebergs! that means that global warming hasn't totally distroyed the earth! (aren't i optimistic..)

what is going on with dobby! i'm so confused!
Fire chapter 12 . 5/8/2002

Great fic. Can't wait for more!

Keep up the good work :D
Celas Victoria chapter 12 . 5/7/2002
Oh good, you updated quickly this time! I'm soooo happy! By the way, I am in the middle of reading Valkyries, and I really like it, but I haven't had the chance to review yet. Sorry!
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