Reviews for A Mirkwood Elf in Dumbledore's Court |
cat chapter 10 . 4/25/2002 I love this story pity I have to wait one to two weeks to find out what happens next though |
Phoenix chapter 10 . 4/25/2002 Pretty good fight w/ Legolas and the spider. It sounded a lot like Aragog, that spider from the second (?) book. Great story, but don't make us wait a WHOLE FREAKIN' WEEK AGAIN just to see what happens! You said you weren't sure how Legolas got put into the HP picture. Maybe Gandalf got a little creative with some magic and screwed up the boundaries between existing dimensions/time lines. Cliched, but at least it's not the whole 'sucked to another place by the author to be tortured' thing. |
AndromacheCassandra chapter 10 . 4/25/2002 Love this story! Much better than any of the other Harry Potter/Lord of the Rings crossovers I've read. An ider on how you can slip Harry into the story, have Dobby run to Harry with his trobles or Harry in the hospital wing with some injurey or something when our fave elf Prince wakes up. |
Psyco101 chapter 10 . 4/25/2002 I hate endings like this did you know that? I wanna know what happens! Now! Upload soon. Please? (my opinion of the chapter-yuck, nasty, eew. What's happening to dobby?) |
Lunoria chapter 10 . 4/25/2002 AAHHH! You can't leave it at that! That's cruel! Please, write more. I must know what happens! |
Michele McNally chapter 10 . 4/25/2002 Oh wow... very good. Was that "tune in next week" thing to be taken literal? Cuz that would be cool, lol. At any rate, this is turning into quite the story, isn't it? I hope Dobby's okay, and i can't wait to see what happens to Legolas. "I don't like spiders"-Nice... very nice. |
ravenclawer chapter 10 . 4/25/2002 WOW- AWESOME, no other word to describe it! This must be one of the best I've read. PLEASE CONTINUE (VERY) SOON! |
Katherine Crawley chapter 10 . 4/25/2002 WOW! That's all I can say. Your story is bloody fantastic, and I can't wait to read more about Legolas's adventures in Herry Potter's world. Please, please contiue! |
Horse.Crazed.Chik chapter 10 . 4/24/2002 Loved this chapter! You write fight scenes very well. I loved how you made reference to a Clydesdale horse (If you can't tell already I LOVE horses), just maginificent creatures, with that beautiful shiny coat, and sometimes standing a towering 18 hands. I love seeing them all the time in the Budweiser commercials. |
Shivvy chapter 10 . 4/24/2002 ::does little dance of joy:: yay, yay, you updated! And peace has come once more to the land. ::sighs contendedly:: Of course, you do realise that five minutes after sending this review I'll begin plotting ways to make yuo write this faster... _ |
Jewel chapter 4 . 4/24/2002 Excellent! |
Elf chapter 10 . 4/24/2002 I am truely enjoying this story! That fight was so very cool and I can agree with our elven hottie, I don't like spiders either. Still, thank you for writing such a wonderful story and take your bloody time with it. If this thing was rushed . . . Well, I just don't wanna think about that. Still, wonderfuly written and maybe you should find a crossover contest and submit it to. |
Trunks102 chapter 10 . 4/24/2002 AAAHHH! Cliffie! hehe... MORE Legolas PLZ! (drool...) lol - GREAT FIC, ONE OF THE BEST CROSSOVERS I'VE EVER READ! |
MeShelly chapter 9 . 4/24/2002 OMG! He's turning into a real elf! That'd be cool to see... I'm feeling sorry for Legolas; it must be wierd(beyond wierd) for him to see all of this. Must also be wierd to know that you're going to die... ~Michelle |
The Elemental chapter 10 . 4/24/2002 Definatley tuning in! Poor Legolas. Love his last beath line. You've done a great job, but what about poor dobby! I can't wait to read what's next. ANd what about hermonie? Is she still wondering about poor Legolas' song? |