Reviews for A Mirkwood Elf in Dumbledore's Court |
Gaeria Elenath chapter 10 . 4/24/2002 What is it with people and cliffhanger endings? I loved this chapter, but to have us wait a week then give us the biggest cliffhanger ending ever, well that's just mean! Keep up the good work! |
Phoenix chapter 1 . 4/23/2002 It's been a freakin' week since it was last updated. No one wants to be left hangin' here! COME ON ALREADY! *heehee, just a thought- I wonder what Rowena REALLY meant when she mentioned that Legolas was even cuter than Godric Gryffindor. Hmmm...* _ |
Laurus Nobilis chapter 9 . 4/21/2002 Poor Legolas! Why do I have this feeling that he won't be getting any happier... I'm glad you threw Rowena into the story, I really like her. And she's very right about the slavery stuff. |
waiting4morning chapter 9 . 4/20/2002 Very impressive story! Thank you for not turning it into a romance, there are way too many of them out there. I loved the scene where Hermione and her roomates hear Legolas singing, the descriptions were breathtaking. I sincerely hope to read more of this soon! |
Lunoria chapter 9 . 4/19/2002 AACK! You can't leave it at that! I just read all you have so far, and you leave me with that? You are truely cruel to do such a thing. But also quite a good writer, so I forgive you a little. UPDATE! |
Phoenix chapter 9 . 4/19/2002 How depressing. I swear, if you kill off another main character like some authors do, I'll have to throttle you. Makes you feel sorry for Legolas, though. Seems that authors LOVE to torture their people, like Tolkien did to poor Frodo B. Great story. I have to say that every day I looking back on it to see if you've updated anymore chapters. *sniffle* It's so good! Wonder how Harry & Co. are going to react when they find out Dumbledore's 'overseas' friend is actually part of the same race that makes their dinner. |
smile7499 chapter 9 . 4/19/2002 ha! my friend loves anarchy! what's this thing about dobby's fingers? i'm more than slightly confused |
Anya Mari chapter 7 . 4/19/2002 "Elves literally go crazy if we're shut up too long, and I didn't want Albus coming back to discover either a comatose shell or a homicidal maniac. Although homicidal does sound like fun..." I loved that line. :) |
Anara Maerin chapter 6 . 4/19/2002 This story is great! I can't wait to read more! |
Anyari no 'Min chapter 5 . 4/19/2002 Wow. This is cool. I like it, not much on plot yet, but there's time enough for that once you've set the tone. |
aranel-elf chapter 9 . 4/18/2002 i have waited 4 eva 2 read this and i am not disappointed! whats up with dobby's fingers? Does he get to meet legolas...maybe he knows how to get back to middle earth! *shameless self promotion...would u mind reviewing my story, called 'loosing belief'? It isn't half as good as yours, but i need reviewers! Thanx!* |
Gaeria Elenath chapter 9 . 4/18/2002 This is such a good story! It's equally sad and funny all at once! Legolas isn't going to pine anyway is he? Or worse, you won't make him become like one of the house elves, will you? The house elves repulsed me when I read Harry Potter, b/c I remembered how beautiful Tolkien's elves were. I hope Legolas gets back to Mirkwood, maybe he'll take all the house elves w/ him and they'll resume their natural forms. Hope you update soon! |
Gaeria Elenath chapter 1 . 4/18/2002 This is such a good story! Parts of it are funny and other parts are so sad. I hope Legolas doesn't pine away (I object to him being referred to as Leggy) or become like the house elves. They horrified me when I read HP, because I loved Tolkien's elves. This story is going to end fine, right. Legolas will go home, take all the house elves w/ him, and maybe they'll be restored to their beautiful forms. And maybe if they're nice, they'll take me w/ them. :) |
Sun Queen chapter 9 . 4/17/2002 Augh! You actually think I'd kill Legolas? Geez, I'll admit I'm a bitch, but I'm not a sadist! I'll just turn him into a flea. A harmless little flea. And then I'll put that flea in a box, and I'll put that box in another box-oh, never mind. Emperor's New Groove reference for you :) I'm just going to *ahem* play with Lego-chan a widdle bit...hee hee hee...stay tuned! |
Katherine chapter 9 . 4/17/2002 Give me the next chapter *now*! I want it! *ahem* Anyway, your story is really good. I love the personality you've given to Legolas-he's exactly how I would have imagined him to be. The storyline is very interesting too-there's lots of little details. So, keep writing, and for Goddess' sake, hurry up with the next chapter! Katherine _~ |