Reviews for A Mirkwood Elf in Dumbledore's Court
Bast and Catnip chapter 1 . 4/3/2002
B: *hits head on table* Nooo...too short...


B: When is the next chapter going to be up? Soon?

Hopefully? ;";
Jinx chapter 7 . 4/3/2002
I'm so glad I found this fic! Yea! I can't wait to see more.

kd ah laziness sweet laziness chapter 7 . 4/3/2002
Too short. That's all I have to say. Too damn short. Either that or I chose to look in one the crossovers at the wrong time, 'cause your fic isn't finished. Ya got me hooked, girlie! And I aint gonna be satisfied until yer fic is done, and then I'll want ye to write another one, so ya might as well give up on me... I can't be pleased when someone writes some amazing stuff and I have to feel cut off all 'cause yer not done yet! *pant pant* (ooh, a pair o' pants!) Mirkwood Elf is definately going on my fave story list! Congrats on the great fic, write some more, and give me something to do!

Whee! Till next time,

v chapter 7 . 4/3/2002
Elendil and Earendil are BOTH stars, just so you know. I think Earendil is the evening star, though.
Amy chapter 7 . 4/2/2002
Great! If u could write a litte more, that would be good. ::Yanks Sun Queen's neck, and says in Gollum voice:: More! More!I need More! any way, as for the earendil/elendil fued: EARENDIL WAS ELROND'S DAD! (those who have read the Silmarillion know! :D ) ELENDIL IS THE FREAKING STAR! I hope that settles everything. :D Any way please keep going! I need more of this great fic!
Nevrodiel chapter 7 . 4/2/2002
had u thoght of looking in the index of the retrn of the king...

...oh BTW its Earendil
smile7499 chapter 7 . 4/2/2002
hahaha. this is so great. i like the "homocidal murderer" crack
Megan chapter 7 . 4/2/2002
This is quite a good story- one of the few LotR/HP crossovers I can stand to read. The Star is Earendil. He was a mortal man who fell in love, and was loved by Elwing. In order to recieve aid from the Valar in the fight against Morgoth, Earendil the Mariner managed to sail a ship far into the West- to Valinor. The Valar listened to his warnings, but they coild not allow him to return to Middle-Earth because no mortal was allowed to look upon the undying land. So Elwing gave him the Simaril that Beren and Luthien had cast from the iron crown of Morgoth and bound it upon his brow. He then set sail in the sky and circles the Earth with the simaril giving off light. Earendil is the Earth-star (or really planet) Venus, so it wouldn't be missing from the sky, but sacarfices must be made for plot. Please don't make me give you the history of Elendil! hahahaha
the Elemental and too lazy to sign in chapter 7 . 4/2/2002
Wow. fantastic, and halarious! You've done a good job, this is going in my favurites so i can see when its updated- POST MORE SOON!
Anita H chapter 7 . 4/2/2002
The star is called Eärendil as I quote from lotr chapter 'the mirror of Galadriel'

"She lifted up her white arms, and spread out her hands towards the East in a gesture of rejection and denial. Eärendil, the Evening Star, most beloved of the Elves, shone clear above. So bright was it that the figure of the Elven-lady cast a dim shadow on the ground."

For the rest of the review *lol* those 'dry' thoughts of him 'Although homicidal does sound like fun...' :). Well done btw with his feelings bout being locked up and his musing on that.
aranel-elf chapter 7 . 4/2/2002
ooh...luv it! When is the next installment due? Keep me is really fantastic!
Elf chapter 7 . 4/1/2002
This story has been a relief in fanfiction. No Mary-Sues, no pointless plot, excellent writing, someone who is a fan of both BOOKS (note how I don't say movies) and who can write. Thank you and I wouldn't be able to keep my hands off that elfin prince if he was at my school. :)
Horse.Crazed.Chik chapter 7 . 4/1/2002
I'm back again. This is nice you give such vivd pictures and the interaction is how I imagined it to be.

Feed him to the giant squid? How dare they! *DIE teachers! How could they get rid of such a lovely elf? I bet it was Snape bad teacher*

Girls swooning over him gives me a funny picture of 500 girls swarming him and Legolas screaming for mercy.

Well see yahz lataz!

annakas chapter 7 . 4/1/2002
Uhh need more, need defenetly more. Doubt the female population can hold the back. But hope always remains. And lets not forget some male populatons too! *WINK*
Pass the Porn Tea chapter 7 . 4/1/2002
This is the best story ever written. I absolutely love it. As I said in my earlier review, I've been waiting for a fiction like this (though perhaps a bit more serious ;) since the beginning of time. I truly hope you continue, and never ever stop...well at least not until umm...yeah, *cough* Keep updating everyday please! :D

Right...more reviews next chapter.
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