Reviews for A Mirkwood Elf in Dumbledore's Court
MeShelly chapter 7 . 4/1/2002
Hehe, I bet that nobody believes he's an elf is because the they are too familiar with house-elves! And isn't it the Star of Earendil and the Sword of Elendil, Flame of the West, or something like that? I've only read the books once but I'm pretty sure of that... anyway, tiny details! Great chapters, please post more soon! ~Michelle
kamlaminoscomoria chapter 7 . 4/1/2002
ahhhhhhh...please write more. I've never followed up on an undone story before his one! You are a good writer not just some crazed fan with a semi-amusing idea. I love the way your taking the time to develop the plot, situation and even character etc. Best LOTR/HP crossover i've ever read! Really. I like who your playing, well more like extenting upon Leg's character. Writing your story in thefirst person makes it very ingrossing and amusing :) In all I laughed i cry (well you get the idea) WRITE MORE
Spock Lover chapter 7 . 4/1/2002
NNOO! DON'T STOP WRITING! WRITE MORE NOW! *drools over Legolas without shirt* I LOVE THIS!
Momoko chapter 6 . 4/1/2002
Momoko: woot! *glomps Legolas*

Legolas: '

Momoko: keep this up! iz very fun! o V

Legolas: ah... Momoko? Could you please let go...?

Momoko: Nope! MINE!

Legolas: *blushes*
Keiran chapter 6 . 4/1/2002
Hey! it's turning good. I'm sorry to point, but Elendil also isn't the name of that star. More probable it is Earendil, or Gil-estel. I know I'm being a pain, but Elendil is the name of the father of Isildur, the king of men. though he is descended from Earendil. (yeah, that's me. let me talk and you'll go deaf). Sorry.
Ivory Moon chapter 6 . 4/1/2002
Urk. Beta-reader is slowly going insane. All my copies of the Fellowship of the Rings have been lent away to bratty cousins who will probably drool all over them! Please, I'm getting divided feedback on this: Was the star named Elendil or Earendil? Please help the poor author and her beta here! Ivy
Pass the Porn Tea chapter 6 . 3/31/2002
I'm freaking out. You have no idea how long I've waited for someone to write this fiction. Alright, i'll tell you; Since the second Harry Potter book came out. So thats what, around 3 or 4 years? I always wanted the beautiful Legolas to come and stun the pants off the Hogwarts people, and now that I have the picture of the Orlando Bloom version of Legolas in my head, its even more perfect. Please continue, or I'll surely die of a heart attack and disappointment. I don't think I could stand you not continuing what I have wanted for years. Thank-you!
Random Reviewer chapter 6 . 3/31/2002
Good stuff. It's kind of original compared to the stuff going around now. Keep writing more of it!
Christina chapter 6 . 3/31/2002
Actually, Earendil is the star, Elendil was King of Gondor
Shivvy chapter 6 . 3/31/2002
Yay! Update, please - I love love love love love both of your stories, but esp. this one! Legolas rocks... can't wait to see what happens next. _
Amy chapter 6 . 3/31/2002
smile7499 chapter 5 . 3/31/2002
haha. i like Anna. good chapter!
annakas chapter 6 . 3/31/2002
*blush blush* Was named after me? I am honoured! It is so good to have a such a ego boost *smiles*. Grrr Legolas is HOT! *has a dreamy look*. Happy easter to you! Love ya too! Bye!
Laurus Nobilis chapter 5 . 3/31/2002
Lovely! I'm glad that at least Dumbledore knows what an Elf is... I'm really curious about Rowena, though. Can't wait for the next chapter!
Jack of Antics chapter 6 . 3/31/2002
*drools*:P Shirtless Lego-kun-! wai-! Legolas-sama wa totemo kawaii yo! (Legolas-sama is so damn cute!) i luv it!
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