Reviews for There Will Be Freedom
white wolf chapter 23 . 11/10
In regards to the remarks not to use holy batman, this is your story and you should use what ever you like. You write for yourself firs. thank you so very much, then the rest of us get to read and enjoy your labor. I cannot tell how many times I come back and read these over and over. keep up the great work.
JD Thorn chapter 42 . 10/8
That was a wonderful story all the way through. I loved it. I’ll probably read it again in about a year. Thank you so much for sharing.
JD Thorn chapter 40 . 10/7
Why would Edward do something so blatantly obvious and stupid. Why be feared by all if you are in jail. I can’t believe him.
JD Thorn chapter 35 . 10/7
I am shocked that he did that so violently in front of Bella. A shot to the head, ok but that? I actually gasped out loud when I read it! I wonder if that will change Bella’s opinion of Edward? Will she be afraid of him now? I’m kinda freaked out and I’ve never had an issue with the violence that Edward commits on his enemies, but just wow! I’m not sure hoe I feel.
JD Thorn chapter 34 . 10/7
Why do I get the feeling that Edward is going to kill Carlisle? Why is it that even though they are back, The parental units have not been introduced to the babies. Carlisle may be a douche, but Esme never really did anything but say a few harsh words that she didn’t mean and apologized for. Why would Edward make her suffer more. He and Carlisle faked his death and Esme suffered greatly from that and then they went on extended holiday to repair the marital damage which was sorely needed and now that they’re back they are being shunned by the whole family. The book is not a good idea and I get that, but why else? Why is Edward really so mad? I do think Edward needs to put a stop to the book Carlisle is writing and will probably need to threaten him about it because Carlisle is stubborn.
JD Thorn chapter 33 . 10/6
I’m not sure exactly why he’s so upset with Esme and Carlisle. He gave them notice that he was leaving and they were supposed to be on extended vacation to help their marriage and it looks like it worked what I want to know is why is Edward so mad? He was supposed to inherit the business anyway. I do not understand, though why they didn’t keep in any kind of contact at all. They could’ve gotten into a payphone if they had to or called from a hotel room.
JD Thorn chapter 32 . 10/5
I’m not sure about this idea. Relatives will come for revenge. The guys are really stupid for not keeping certain things from their wives. Some knowledge is dangerous and deadly.
JD Thorn chapter 31 . 10/5
Wow, I think Mike may have a death wish or something! Maybe he was just trying to provoke Edward at a policeman’s get together so he could be arrested. Mike should have heeded the warning Edward gave him when he told him not to call Bella names. That would have kept Mike from all the medical bills. Obviously Mike don’t know when to shut up though. I guess Charlie is starting to appreciate Edward a little bit too. Great chapter.
JD Thorn chapter 30 . 10/5
Well we know he’ll get revenge on whoever sent the assassin, but how will he really know? He obviously knew James was up to something and I bet he’s killed within the next couple of chapters. If Carlisle an d Esme are back, then why haven’t they contacted any of the family. It’s kinda ridiculous. They have missed so much.
JD Thorn chapter 29 . 10/5
Funny, I was gonna ask about Carlisle and Esme but you addressed it in the note at the bottom. I hope she’s not upset about not knowing anything about Bella’s pregnancy or the baby, considering they made themselves unavailable this whole time. You think that at least have a phone call once a month or something with the family. Vacation doesn’t necessarily mean falling off the planet.
JD Thorn chapter 28 . 10/5
He’s obviously in denial and will make himself worse if he doesn’t let himself get better. His heart attack knocked him out and the same is gonna happen if he doesn’t slow down. He needs to delegate work to others for the time being and try to heal from being BLOWN UP! Silly man thinks he’s invincible - news flash, HE IS NOT ! Bella is going to knock his butt into next week if he doesn’t listen.
JD Thorn chapter 27 . 10/5
I tell you what, Edward better be happy that he made it on time, cause I woulda killed him myself! On Bella’s behalf, of course. He risked her having to deal with all of this on her own and that is not cool. He should have stayed on the island with her. Twins almost ALWAYS come early. The dr. should have warned them about this. Any good dr. would have. Guess all went well, but I’m still mad at him. She probably won’t be though. Glad they’re here and safe. Can’t wait to see what happens next. Reading on…
JD Thorn chapter 26 . 10/4
I’m really not happy that they’re gonna be separated. Especially with twins that could come at any time and he could miss it because he’s so far away. She will need him for that birth. He needs to put someone else in charge of that company for the time being. He’s right he’s the boss he can do whatever he wants to.
JD Thorn chapter 25 . 10/4
JD Thorn chapter 24 . 10/4
That’s too bad. I was really hoping to kill Jacob off.
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