Reviews for The Chain Unbroken
none sorry chapter 29 . 9/21/2011
I feel bad for Alex...who obviously had feelings for the wrong person, at the wrong time, and expressed them the wrong way. Poor guy. Anyway, I really really can't wait to see where you're going with these people who are hunting Erik. There are so many possabilities...and I'm looking forward to seeing which way you go.

Thanks again for writing!-NS
none sorry chapter 28 . 9/21/2011
This chapter had a very sweet touch to it with the adorable relationship between Jamie and Erik. :) I also laughed when you described how Christine slapped Robert. Such an odd way to see her chararcter. Anyway, these mysterious clues that you plant throughout your story have puzzled me greatly, and I'm extremely curious to see who these antagonists are...I'm really looking forward to the surprise.

Well, thanks for writing!-NS
none sorry chapter 27 . 9/20/2011
Oh my goodness! This was so unexpected, but I adore it, because it wasn't a scinerio where it just dosn't make sense, but one where I just really didn't see it coming. Anyway, this was a great chapter, and I really loved it! (Athough I'm kinda freaked by the idea of being trapped in a coffin, esp. if buried alive...)

Well, once again, thanks so much for writing!-NS
none sorry chapter 26 . 9/20/2011
This chapter was really intense, but in a more frightening kind of way. Like, the way in which you describe Erik's lack of control and anger makes it very dark, and scary to see someone kinda tear their own life apart little by little. Anyway, I really can't wait to see who it is that you had attack Erik.

Thanks a bunch for writing!-NS
Chapucera chapter 33 . 9/20/2011
LOL! So Christine complains because Erik's hands are warm? It can only be love!

The web of intrigue is becoming stickier and stickier as this narrative moves along, and we can only hope that it won't catch Erik or anyone he loves. Robur is simply a messenger for...his brother? So, Erik has no idea who the mastermind might be behind the plot against him.

At least Erik and Christine have sorted out their problems...or so it seems.

BTW, I've been reviewing anonymously simply because I've been too lazy to sign in. I'm bad, I know...:)

Thank you for a fantastic update...looking forward to more!
none sorry chapter 25 . 9/20/2011
Well, I hope that Erik dosn't end up killing Jacob, but I'm even more worried about the madness which he's plagued with! I'm looking forward to reading the next chapter, and I'm very curious to see how all this plays out.

Thanks again for writing!-NS
none sorry chapter 24 . 9/20/2011
This chapter was great as well! It made me really begin to wonder where Christine stood with Raoul and Erik, no longer really sure if Erik and Christine were merely decieving themselves or if their feelings were really sincere. I'm not sure if I'm really describing it right, but well, I'm not sure how else to put it. Anyway, this chapter left off in a great suspenseful place...yea, I still love cliff-hangers! :)

Well, thanks again for writing!-NS
none sorry chapter 23 . 9/20/2011
Ok, so I'm really far behind on this story, but I'm planning on catching up! I'm only on chapter 23, but I've get plenty of time to catch up on the others! :)

This chapter was really great and very...emotional. Furthermore, it left the reader feeling the conflicting emotions and stress between the characters, and it's all very intense. Even Erik's tiredness is potent by the end of the chapter, and it just gives the reader a complete feeling of the emotionall strain. So, overall, I really adored that aspect of this chapter! :)

Anyway, thanks so much for writing!-NS
letthesongtakeflight chapter 33 . 9/20/2011
Wow, great chapter! Haha I think Erik partially has the upper hand when dealing with that mysterious party, now. And I DO hope that Pineaut has nothing to do with it, because that at least is something that will cost Erik dearly! Not to mention, he probably own't trust anyone, anymore.

On the topic of trust, he is trusting Christine a whole lot more! He's opened up to her, and is slowly, revealing more and more. I do hope he lets her take of his mask soon! Oh and I love how you keep going back to the key; you didn't leave the idea unfinished. It carries on through the story.

Once again, I will look forward to your next chapter! I can't wait for next Monday! (Wow that makes me sound nerdy... like I actually want to go to school!)
AliceAlix chapter 33 . 9/19/2011
Ahaha, evil ending. I love it.

Interesting phenomenon - familiar voice, unknown face. Perhaps Erik knows the brother, and siblings have similar voices or accents (the latter being more likely). I don't know. Hm!
belleange48 chapter 33 . 9/19/2011
Thank you for the update.
justanotherfan9 chapter 33 . 9/19/2011
Quite surprising that Erik didn't recognize the man. The intrigue continues then. So the mysterious extortionists have something to do with Philippe's death? Their net is larger than I thought. What could be so bad inside the east wing, I wonder...Can't wait to see that! Thanks for the update!
sol chapter 32 . 9/14/2011
Another great chapter! Erik and Christine have finally solved all the problems! Thank God that Christine couldn’t know what Erik was thinking when he saw her with Raul. I hope that everything will continue to be fine between them now that they have to solve what is happening with the notes. I can’t wait for the next update.
letthesongtakeflight chapter 32 . 9/12/2011
Love it! Erik can be so sweet when he's apologizing. I think you handled that very well, he wasn't just a spineless man groveling on his knees for forgiveness. Although Erik is a very unique individual, sometimes he simply says "sorry" like a normal guy.

Christine's thoughts when she was watching Erik, shows that she has really grown up. She IS a dangerous woman, she's not the innocent little girl any more. She's taking her life into her own hands, instead of being controlled. And she knows that love makes you blind, but it also opens your eyes. I really like how you write about their relationship. They argue, but in the end they always get back together. The way you described them is perfect, they "run deeper than simply being his woman, his wife".
Chapucera chapter 32 . 9/12/2011
I just loved the fluff in this chapter. It's long overdue peace for Erik and Christine, and it's a shame that the world is intruding on their idyll.

Speaking of intruders, Father John is a real piece of work, isn't he? What an evil man!

And whoever's plotting against Erik is making his move. What's next?

Love the mixture of fluff and intrigue. More, please?
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