Reviews for Mara, Weyrling Brown Rider
Guest chapter 50 . 7/2/2024
It is my hope that some time more is added to this story. I have thoroughly enjoyed all the Mara stories.
Guest chapter 14 . 6/29/2024
You are not slipping. I am enjoying.
Guest chapter 16 . 6/6/2024
Love this story, and the whole world you’ve made.
Lawrence Michael chapter 50 . 5/4/2024
- This story is very, very good, ... 50 chapters in this installment alone, and then there is the initial chapters in Mara's Story, ... I had read them a few years ago, and I am truly enjoying my current re-read of them, ... Anne McCaffrey would've really enjoyed this dragon's tale, ...
- I have another favorite writer based in Wyoming, ... her name is Annabelle Hawthorne, and she is the author of Radley's Home for Horny Monsters series, ... it is a fun series, ... I highly recommend it, ... ;-) ttfn
Terra chapter 44 . 6/21/2023
Hi :)
I love the drama, the human worry. (don't worry about the "downer" )

I once was told there are no mountains without the valleys.
Terra chapter 42 . 6/21/2023
Hi :)

I just realised that there are only 9 chapters left (and you have not posted since 2018. -if that is what the numbers at the top mean.) And I am dreading coming to the end. LOL
Terra chapter 41 . 6/21/2023
Hi :) Pern Dreamer: I am still enjoying your writing. 3

I like the way you have filled in details of Weyr life, and, the delicate practical way you have treated mating flights and the emotional aftermath.

thank you for your story (stories)
Terra chapter 50 . 6/20/2023
Hi ; still loving your writing

when you add to this could you do a: Dragon, Rider, Weyr list
I was losing the thread of who belonged to who and Weyr
Terra chapter 30 . 6/20/2023
G'raden is a fun character

still enjoying your writing AND thank you for explaining Alternate Universe. AU
my brain was trying to make this story fit in the original timeline. the AU explanation helped me enjoy the differences.

PS: anything else I have trouble with I skim; as typo, poor sentence structure (you usually don't have that) OR my brain missing something.

sincerely, a Huge fan
Terra chapter 25 . 6/19/2023
your medical explanations are general enough
I think these stories are fantastic and you are amazing in your , umm , tackling of societies issues..
makes for good stories, and a little meat to think about

PS: just found these on line fan-Fictions (June 2023) and, as a person who has re-read the Pern stories many times, I feel I can say "you are dinging an amazing job of it" 3
Terra chapter 19 . 6/18/2023
Hi Vern Dreamer

I like the way you write. umm play in the PERN universe

looking forward to reading more of your writing
Terra chapter 14 . 6/17/2023
Hi I am enjoying your writing.

Please don't delete this. OR I am very glad you didn't
Terra chapter 11 . 6/17/2023
hi I am enjoying your story (and will be looking for more by you) Very good job, both, writing and staying in the PERN universe.

My I surest the whirling form a zig zag line and toss back a forth up that ( it is easier on the back )
there is very little turning when it is just passed back and for up a zig zag line.
That is how we unloaded trucks, to the freezer, when I worked in the kitchens.

AlwaysPern chapter 50 . 5/9/2023
OMG . I like your writing but I am sorry it wasn't finished. I hope you get this plea, if you can finished
Kaltan chapter 50 . 2/19/2023
Great story, huge commitment, very grateful you have shared your time and talents
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