Reviews for If My Memory Serves Me Well
HalloumiHermit chapter 6 . 10/4/2022
This is such a great chapter! I love how you wrote Lancelot and Gwaine’s interactionit was perfect and so true of their characters and personalities!
BreathingMagic chapter 17 . 2/16/2015
Wow. Such a beautiful, well-rounded story! Absolutely loved this, every bit of it. Thank you so much for sharing! Oh, I noticed you've written a sequel *sqeal*! Guess what I'm off to do now... :D
Hunter E. Black chapter 4 . 11/17/2014
I've written a lot of fan fiction in my time, read even more, and this (so far) has been a delightful treat. Your story is engrossing and great fun so far, and Merlin hasn't even "appeared" yet! That's quite a skill. Looking forward to more!
wryter501 chapter 18 . 7/15/2014
well done for this story... i'm glad merlin isn't being tortured any more by the visions, i like your explanation of how the knowledge is there for him to access, but not a constant involuntary barrage.
wryter501 chapter 17 . 7/15/2014
a lot of the legends take it for granted that the betrayal of lancelot and guinevere is what brought arthur - and therefore camelot - down. one of the few decisions i applaud the five-season series canon for is how they handled that love triangle... i guess you've left it up to the future, though...
wryter501 chapter 16 . 7/15/2014
interesting, having arthur recognize merlin's intelligence before the magic, change his role before the reveal...
i feel so bad for merlin - i remember it's going to be a hard winter... :(
wryter501 chapter 15 . 7/15/2014
this is something the series didn't really show... merlin the mystic, somehow above and beyond everyone else, knowing everything...
wryter501 chapter 14 . 7/15/2014
it does seem sometimes that merlin never gets a break, a rest. a chance just to put that burden down...
wryter501 chapter 13 . 7/15/2014
you know, as awful as this is, it seems to me there might be hope in there somewhere. not that it can be changed, necessarily, but that if they know its quite a ways in the future (i'm talking now in the world of your story, not the series canon) then they have the confidence that nothing will happen to arthur BEFORE then, you know? as uncertain as life is, it might be something of a blessing to know that you have at least twenty years or thirty or whatever, right? knowing where you're going to die means you know you won't die anywhere ELSE...
wryter501 chapter 12 . 7/15/2014
oh, dear, it's not just that merlin doesn't care, or doesn't want to come back - he is really lost, and doesn't know how...
wryter501 chapter 11 . 7/15/2014
uncaring merlin is just so wrong... so sad...
wryter501 chapter 10 . 7/15/2014
interesting choice, to have gwen be the one to bring him back...
wryter501 chapter 9 . 7/15/2014
i like the idea of gwaine having a bit more experience in the magic department than anyone guesses... i also kind of like gwaine and lancelot bickering. :)
wryter501 chapter 8 . 7/15/2014
so - not the druids, but the dragon? and very nicely done - to maneuver gwen/gwaine/lancelot into using magic, also, to save their friend (not just making a decision to ask someone else to use magic, this is like the next step - too bad arthur's not here :P)...
wryter501 chapter 7 . 7/15/2014
we all keep saying, what would arthur do if he found out... and yet it was season 1 that arthur helped mordred escape because he didn't want to see a child killed for magic... i'd bet the farm that arthur - no matter what else happened - would help merlin to escape, in the end, because he wouldn't want to see him killed for magic, either.
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