Reviews for Suddenly I See
Guest chapter 30 . 5/11/2024
Lydia was a selfish slut who had total disregard for her family and the ruin her behavior causes. Mr and Mrs Bennet were failures as parents more especially the lazy ass indolent Mr Bennet. THIS STORY IDEA HAS BEEN WRITTEN TO DEATH!
june chapter 14 . 12/31/2023
love your stories thankyou
PoirotH chapter 20 . 6/28/2023
* Yup, agreed 100%
FineEyesPrettyWoman chapter 13 . 10/2/2022
Even in JAFF I have come across many stories, like this one with extreme time and setting changes, which I think the author could do a search and replace on the Austen names and places, get a beta team or editor to examine through another draft or two, and publish in that genre.

Many of them would need a boost of character development to make up for the assumptions JAFF writers and readers make based on names. Some might need a few other clarifications re: what we infer via place names (Pemberly for example) but the plots and action are ready to go.

Green Card by E Adams is a prime example of a JAFF novel the author decided to let it be the modern romance it was trying to be. Those of us who read it/heard of it/knew the author from meryton dot com can easily spot that it is JAFF. But the story sells well outside the JAFF community.

This might be worth the effort too.
mangosmum chapter 2 . 9/19/2022
Do you have a time period for this story? it helps knowing that in order to focus my brain on whatever else happened in the period.
Guest chapter 2 . 8/14/2022
Rereading this almost 2 years later. May I just say I love your writing and originality? Even though I remember it quite well (it certainly sticks in one's mind!) the emotions it brings up are still quite intense!
Kayozm chapter 30 . 4/28/2022
You seem not to have written this. I will say I think the subject matter is interesting, and I think it’s a topic that needs much more exploration and conversation. Miscarriage is so much more common than many people realise, as are other both primary and secondary fertility issues.
But, I am over that part of my life and probably wouldn’t read it. How hypocritical of me! But it is the truth.
Kayozm chapter 29 . 4/28/2022
Kayozm chapter 29 . 4/28/2022
I enjoyed that very much!
I would accept the second ending ONLY if it was the precursor to several more chapters telling us how they do get together! Lol.
Kayozm chapter 13 . 4/27/2022
So I’m just reading this lovely story rather late… but did you eventually publish Teleporter? Is it on Amazon?
tnet chapter 29 . 3/26/2022
I loved the story, E stubborn, willfully misunderstanding and D with visions. just thought about what a handfull E is, a sane man ought to walk away. Please do not apologise, write for fun and when possible. thank you for sharing your story
Anmaon chapter 3 . 2/6/2022
It doesnt matter that you jumped 3 months from the previous chapter. I like the story very much.
WendyJayne chapter 29 . 12/12/2021
Wow. That was nothing short of epic. It's so unlike any other fan fiction I've read, with the paranormal edge. The plot was fantastic, especially the way so much of it alluded to the original, but was distinctly your own. I enjoyed the twists in the storyline, and the way the characters were all at once believable, lovable and frustrating. Thanks for all the effort in writing this.
Edward'sDJ chapter 29 . 11/26/2021
Very sweet, thank you. I'm also not much of a fan of the alt ending, but interesting to read.
Edward'sDJ chapter 1 . 11/26/2021
Intriguing start
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