Reviews for True Chosen
HuskyWalker chapter 2 . 4/11/2011
Yay, you updated. I really like this story and I find it hard to wait and see what will happen next.

Will Hadrian run away, or will good old Voldie realise who is meant to be his heir. Perhaps he just use the twin to make sure that Harry is not to get hurt.

Anyway, please update soon...Hmm, I wonder what happens when Voldemort sees that one of his sons are missing when he comes at visit. Please curse Belatrix, she really deserves it, perhaps you could include Snape in some way? I don't really know if he should be the bad or the good guy. I guess either works in this case.

Keep up the good work.
1sunfun chapter 1 . 4/5/2011
Nice beginnung.

Emerald Sage chapter 1 . 4/4/2011
That's amazing, please update soon :) It's absolutely brilliant!

Em )
Dark Cyannis chapter 1 . 4/4/2011
I like this. His Slytherin Descendants is really good story so I am looking forward to yours story :-)
NefariousOne chapter 1 . 4/3/2011
This is a very great start. Lovin it :D
phinstrael chapter 1 . 4/3/2011
oh this is certainly interessting and good so far

i hope you update soon
QueenCobraWing chapter 1 . 4/3/2011
Ooh, I am liking this quite a bit. But I have one question. Who is their mother? Is it Andromeda Black? Would that mean she met someone named Sable, and not Ted Tonks? And is Voldemort the father? It sort of seems like it. And if so, why would their name be Sable? It would be Black or Voldemort or Riddle. Ok... that was more than one question, but I'm just a little confused. Please don't think I am criticising, I really like this and I hope it goes far, I am just perplexed. Keep writing!
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