Reviews for True Chosen
KK chapter 18 . 6/14/2017
I have kept checking on this and hoped but... I admit I gave up on it about a month ago, finally dismissing it. I was just randomly checking HP fiction after watching a couple of good videos on Harry Potter and...I found this.
Thank you for the update and I hope it's the first of more. :D
hermionegranger02699 chapter 18 . 6/13/2017
I was so surprised when I saw the email notification for this update because I hadn't been on in such a long time! I didn't really remember the story line, but your name jumped out and I know that in 2013ish you were definitely one of my favourite authors :') So yeah I decided to reread the entire fic in one sitting and I fell in love with it all over again. Then I decided to reread all of the other HP fanfictions that I still remembered by name and now I'm in this giant hole of reading fanfiction once again. ANYWAYS sorry for the rant but I absolutely loved this chapter (and the fic, I had forgotten how much I love your writing) and I can't wait for you to update again, whenever that may be :)
Meg-Helix chapter 18 . 6/13/2017
You said, that you like lizards... :-I-I- There - a lizard for you. :D Now, can you make a new chapter. I can't wait for Harry and his father's talk. :D Your story is really good. Pity you don't make others points of view, byt this way your work is a bit mysterious only with thinks Harry knows or he thinks he knows. :D I'm curious... why Lilly/Scarlet died (that is obvious), why did she said to Harry, that he must escape if not made a heir and why Harry with all his rebel nature did not seek truth about her death a lot sooner?

Have a nice June :)
To-lazy-to-login chapter 18 . 6/13/2017
Thank you so much for this update, you have no idea how long i have been waiting for another chapter of this magnificent piece. Hope whatever that have been stopping you from posting is gone. I truly love this story, and still hangs on to the cliff (cliffhangers :) hehe). May you find inspiration. XD
VanriddleZ chapter 18 . 6/13/2017
It is good that you have updated the FanFiction, and what an interesting chapter, but it is not enough, I want to read the whole story already, all the way to the end. So please update as soon as you can.
Saturnblue chapter 18 . 6/13/2017
Ho ho ho, it looks like Hadrian is going to find out the mystery of His mother's death. The Order wanted to use him for their own gain and the father is trying to get his son back in his own way. It's good to see Hadrian no matter how mature or immature in some areas still uses his head prior to give in to other's one sided information with mere mention of his mother. It's rather particular that the Rat was mentioned briefly when Harry almost ran out of the gathering with the DE. I wonder if his father said those lines for the spies in the gathering since he need to keep his cards close to himself while he plays this dangerous game with his two heirs dangles in between this war. Or did Hadrian only catches certain conversation without the full context only what he thought it meant not looking the underneath of the underneath quoting Kakashi from Naruto. I'm sure his father is playing the game since their birth along with the tutors, with him been a intelligent man and would not be fooled by what he sees, hears, and senses so easily. He probably know who is his real heir but right now he is justing fooling everyone so he could be the ultimate one to win/ have his heir on his side only. Does he know of the Prophecy and is the a real Prophecy or a fake on by the Order?

Even with Hadrian joining with the Order I doubt everyone in the Order will accept him no matter what he willing to do to get them to accept him. And they may just use him for their own gain and dispose of him once everything is said and done with. It's funny that Lupin said they are not working for Dumbledore even though the memories showed other wise. I hope Hadrian will grow from this and not fall easily to either side's hands without some solid compromise or contracts, or vows in magic. Hadrian belong to the dark since he live and breath there the light won't fully accept him. Example, Sirius Black he may have been a black sheep in the dark family but not everyone in the light side accepts him and look at in the canon verse his so-called pals from the order didn't even believe him to be innocent. Scarlet/Lily seem to restrict Hadrian's way with his dark magic. With her disapprovals seem to have done some damage to one of her sons without knowing. There is plenty room for Hadrian to grow and learn. I don't think dark magic will overwhelm him. Good job and looking forward to read more of it.
Zerousy chapter 18 . 6/13/2017 he going back to Daddy dearest?
kashilove chapter 1 . 6/12/2017
I really like this story! can't wait for more..!
Rei.Avi chapter 18 . 6/12/2017
its have been sooo long since the prev chap, I am so happy _
PhantomCielo27 chapter 18 . 6/12/2017
Yay! And update! Love that Severus said that Voldemort was throwing a tantrum because of Hadrian's note XD that was hilarious, but awe poor Hadrian, believing that he is a mere pig for slaughter. I'm hoping Damien doesn't die just due to the fact that Lily loved both of her sons and I don't believe Hadrian would want his brother to die due to just that fact. Also, love that Voldemort is so keen and focused on Hadrian now, seriously, the dude needs some affection. Though Hadrian will fight to the bitter end because he is independent AF. Hoping Voldemort will be more protective/possessive of Hadrian so that he doesn't leave again soon once they meet but who knows what will happen. And Damn Lily, playing the two sided spy, no wonder why her and Severus got along so well XD loved the chapter but am anxiously awaiting a confrontation between Voldemort and Hadrian! Please update soon!
alc219 chapter 18 . 6/12/2017
SO HAPPY TO SEE A NEW CHAPTER! I'm so glad to see you back in action. Thanks for another great chapter, and I can't wait to read more! xx
Gwen Midnightflower chapter 18 . 6/12/2017
I meant the review that I posted for chapter 1 to be for chapter 18. Sorry
Gwen Midnightflower chapter 1 . 6/12/2017
I loved this chapter, it was very interesting. I was also very happy when you updated so please keep going, I really like this story :)
Lexisfightingrobots chapter 18 . 6/12/2017
gosh am i happy to see this update, an to finally have another piece to the puzzle
PleiadesWolfe chapter 18 . 6/12/2017
Yes ask your father because I'm just as curious now to find out about your mothers death
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