Reviews for Well in Hand
Yuffie's Ninja Insanity chapter 11 . 12/2/2023
Awww this is so good! Anyway hope all is well and hope your muse for this returns!
Vishw chapter 3 . 5/25/2023
I dunno how to feel about this. This Sakura seems too volatile and immature to carry on the responsibility she is given. I mean she blew it at the first chance she got. Naruto who stopped his Kyuubi raging when he saw Haku's face in the canon would never attack Sakura like that. Why is Kyuubi inside Sakura filled with hate again? I thought he was done with that. Are there now two Kyuubs? Not really sure how that works...
mandorakat chapter 11 . 5/2/2022
interesting story. hope you continue
KoKoChanel2003 chapter 11 . 4/25/2022
it's been what 2 years since my last read and I'm still on love, I'd kill for this to be NaruSaku cuz wtf not lol, great writing and I hope you're alive and well this 2022
abenay chapter 2 . 11/18/2020
Is that why sasuke cheated?
abenay chapter 1 . 11/17/2020
ouh woww! im into this!
sundiallove2 chapter 11 . 11/13/2020
Goddamnit! Why does Sasuke always have to make the worst decisions!
lachao chapter 1 . 11/7/2020
it's flat?

you know I thought it to be a sphere.
KoKoChanel2003 chapter 11 . 4/22/2020
I love this fanfic so very much, so sad sasuke feels like he has to kill Sakura just to gain power, I honestly hope it doesn't work out well for him. I also wish Sakura could get over her indecisiveness, although I'm a fan of NaruHina I really want to see Sakura and Naruto together and even though it makes me feel like a betrayer, I hope Naruto and Sakura end up happy together. Anyhoo, whatever your decision will be I'm pretty sure it will turn out good. I know it's been 7 years or so but update soon please!
Guest chapter 1 . 4/4/2020
This had some interresting ideas, but by the fourth chapter Sakura is utterly unlikable. There is just so much cringe. A major rewrid might save it. Because ths firsg few chapters had quite a bit going for them. Some unique concepts. Sadly this is a hard pass. Cannot rec. Sorry, this is less for the author and more for any future readers. Go read Time Braid instead.
The ChocoGoat chapter 11 . 3/30/2020
Ahhhhhh this fic is so good! Gaara is so adorable. I hope he gets with Ino cuz he's just a smol babe. On the other hand she's only like the second girl he's interacted with so she might not be ideal.. Is Itachi truly evil in this? ALSO, FLAT EARTH? tell me more about flat Earth Naruto!:) It's interesting how the world crumbled? Like, could it have been even larger previously?
mint99 chapter 11 . 3/28/2020
i love this Story. I hope it will be update soon.
LaBleuRose chapter 8 . 1/28/2020
I love it, one second she’s “they need to date!” The next second she’s, “lol wait nvm, bitch can die”
FuckTartarus chapter 9 . 6/24/2019
Their Jonin can do nothing. Sakura is special.
Soupercan chapter 8 . 5/31/2019

Sasuke messing things up as per usual?
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