Reviews for Stages of Hope
Bob chapter 32 . 12/4
Extremely weird way to end the story. But overall a super interesting, thought-provoking one
Bob chapter 15 . 12/3
"Grew up in an ocean of red hair and never really knew how to swim" is a great metaphor
likely6 chapter 32 . 11/4
this made me cry a lot, well done
Dr Stranger chapter 32 . 10/24
Great Story.
Reeshma Premji chapter 24 . 10/11
That last bit tore my heart out!
Musichowler chapter 32 . 9/11
Absolutely beautiful! I cried at the end! Well done!
ReddFoxx chapter 32 . 9/11
Not gonna lie this had all the makings of a beautiful tragedy. And until you started to drop really heavy hints I thought that this might end with Harry and Hermione dying together. But I don't think I mind at all. There's something comforting about happy endings.
johnny99 chapter 32 . 9/3
Remarkable story, thanks for writing. I’ve read this many times and remain amazed by your work. The AU within an AU is genius.

Dumbledore’s thoughts and musings in chapter 31 are a fitting commentary on canon Albus, well done.
JerHat chapter 32 . 8/30
Quite a beautiful story. Perfect in every way. I'm so glad you didn't kill off anyone else. I would have hated the story and dropped it like a rock.
visadude4 chapter 1 . 8/23
One of the best fics I have ever read
odonnellzoo99 chapter 32 . 8/18
A great story but a weird last few lines.
odonnellzoo99 chapter 24 . 8/17
Well that made me cry.
maiqsmail chapter 32 . 8/14
Beautiful story, I'm glad i found it.
I must admit, you captured canon!Harry and then upgraded him brilliantly.
And this is one of the most impressive portrayal of Luna I've ever seen. This is exactly the girl we all know and love.
maiqsmail chapter 29 . 8/14
Drama overload, but I guess that styling would be alright if you're driving towards angst ending.
maiqsmail chapter 26 . 8/14
Any particular reason Harry and Co can't just stay in this new dimension? New Volsi is almost "de-attached", speaking of his horcruxes, and Harry-horcrux would only affect the old Voldi who might as well have what's left of old dimension. No?
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