Reviews for When There Was a Tomorrow
Believer218 chapter 21 . 8/4/2022
I'd like to believe that Tali's augmented reality system is the basis for the H3 ODST VISR
Noname chapter 2 . 7/8/2022
Except for all the crap in chapter 2 (really? Are you trying to make me believe that a 300m stealth ship first defeated a 1550m covenant battlecruiser? Given that kinetic barriers don't work well against plasma and lasers? And the subsequent assault. I understand everything, but turning the most elite part of the covenant troops into whipping boys? Okay, Samara - hundreds of years of experience, but why the Grunt? I already found six ways in this chapter to die for the entire Normandy team.) everything reads perfectly. There are jambs in history, but where without them. The characters are written, the actions of the military have logic, and most importantly - let the Reapers go to hell. Covenant. Here is the main enemy!
Arashi Uzukaze chapter 8 . 11/14/2021
The UNSC wouldn't straight up start using the ME weapons however. They would instead put their own spin on it. What better way than turning every gun into a hand held MAC gun?

Instead of thermal blocks/ammo blocks, the guns would still be mag fed. But the ammo sizes could become much larger because all that would be in them would be the bullets, so they also wouldn't need to worry about ejection ports. The weight of the magazines would also be reduced due to there being no casings or powder, so they could carry extra magazines.

They would need cooling tech for sustainable fire, but the UNSC would have that easily. Better than Mass Effect cooling tech.
Dozerrk chapter 10 . 5/28/2021
The dialogue is good honestly amazing but the combine worlds suck

The Normandy crew on their first contact with the covenant slaughter them no issue and continue to do so

All mass effects tech works perfectly against a completely unrelated tech

The Normandy modest well be the infinity with how its portrayed

A full blown reaper capital ship cannon is only 450kt the mac canons on the average ship is in the megaton range but everything on the Normandy is up to snuff and no mediocre

All combatants on shepard team are spartan level and instantly learn and adopt tech like they have never seen before and WHOLE UNSC has been tring to crack the whole war.

His team gave up nothing compared to the spartans for their effectiveness and yet are shown as par

GARRUS a 6' 2" Alien with no biotic who's most impressive feat is killing many gangs threatens emile and doesn't get fucked up in ways he could never imagine

Why is the unsc here in your story their expertise is a book and a week to learn their best soldiers are nothing special and all ships should just be the normandy

I wanna love this story but the unsc feels like a side note
Blackwolf501 chapter 25 . 5/20/2021
Fantastic story!
Haven't been lucky enough to get a chance to play any of Halo games yet unlike all of Mass Effect. Came here searching to read more about its lore and found a fantastic setting with the Battle of Reach setting that you had.
While I don't like Tali as a pairing, prefer Miranda or Liara to be honest but the overall characterization of ME characters was quite good in this tale. Garrus and his arc was the best especially the part where he led the retreat, the fight with the bugs in the base was damn awesome!
More than anyone else, it was Six and Legion who stole the show- their camradarie was truly worth every moment I spent reading!
I was not prepared for the deaths in Noble Team since I never played Halo, usually I am one for changing canon things in my own stories but here it was needed to remain the same. Jorge, Carter, Emile, Jensen, Gravelsten...their deaths had meaning and were not in vain.

Even looked up Six's original ending in the game, it was badass and yours was even more than that with the way he took down Kreave and was the better warrior with his last words.
Off to read the next story of this universe that you have created.
Great work, General Rage!
Brenden1k chapter 25 . 4/10/2021
It was the grand and great ride, time for the sequal after catching my breath, I am going to guess noble six going to become the leader of the blood pack due to killing the former leader in a duel.
Brenden1k chapter 23 . 4/10/2021
Part of me wonders about mixing up the deaths, have everyone survive there canon death only for one of Normandy squad mates to get sniped, more unpredictable that way.

Well the fight scenes are great they lose some tensions from so far killing of characters still follow the stations of canon, through I do understand your point that those death were great narratively speaking, reach was very good at that, except maybe kat, but the senseless randomness of it makes great thematic sense.
Brenden1k chapter 18 . 4/9/2021
Reapers are basically what happens if you give your A.I a faulty ethics system so they have blue and orange morality, always be careful with A.I morality because if they think bananas are more important than humanity well it is a good day for bananas,

I could buy even the dreadnaut reaper joining up with covies, they like there puppets and frankly According to vs debate (ban of good story telling). Covies would actually likey win a war vs reapers, Halo got some biggatons and mass effect shields do not seem to love superheated stuff, they can block it but looking at geth plasma rifle description on wiki, they do not like it.
Brenden1k chapter 17 . 4/8/2021
You really do a great War is hell/miltary sci fi where there is heroism and awesome moments but there is also a sense of desperation, where one feels that the forces of good are outnumbered outgunned, that even if they are winning the battle here, the other fronts are failing, they get things done but are so small in the end. (Worm paraphrased).

Reminds me of EDF story telling, at first glance corny jokes than you notice that everyone is dying who not next to you, and hear the children and the elderly are going on suicide missions because there supplies have ran out but humans keep fighting.
Brenden1k chapter 12 . 4/8/2021
pretty much everything steals inspiration from what came before.
Or as a wise man once said “I only have came so far because I stood on the shoulder of giants
Brenden1k chapter 2 . 4/7/2021
Part of me wants to question hacking a foreign never before seen OS and the lack of airgapping and manual safeties , but mass effect was firmly of the school of Hollywood hacking and having to board the ship to get direct Access makes sense.
Arashi Uzukaze chapter 6 . 1/18/2021
Best damn squad in the galaxy?

Clearly Shepard has yet to see Blue Team. Lol
Schazmen chapter 1 . 1/10/2021
I read through this story once before. I wasn't well-versed in the Halo games back then. But now that I HAVE played Reach, I can appreciate this story that much more. Fantastic work, even if this first chapter had its stumbles.
PhoenixGuy chapter 25 . 12/23/2020
mirflltkeinnameein chapter 3 . 11/9/2020
Ja wohl mein Kommandant
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