Reviews for When There Was a Tomorrow
Guest chapter 14 . 10/4/2020
After reading all the fanfics I can only say one simple thing FrostenByte is an idiot because the plot runs well and is very well done, and honestly I did not find any of the problems that that arrogant idiot described
thrawn92 chapter 18 . 9/29/2020
Rereading this story, I noticed that there was one Covenant species that didn't make it into this chapter: the Huragok. Why is that? Speaking of which, once the Halo 2 portion begins, will ODST be told at the same time?
ConcreteCamel chapter 1 . 9/25/2020
I can tolerate wank if it’s at least well written. This isn’t. Spelling and grammar issues everywhere. Reading four chapters of this drivel was almost painful.

No one should waste their time reading this.
thrawn92 chapter 23 . 8/17/2020
Since Emile did an assassination on that Elite in the beginning of the chapter, does that mean he gets the "If they came to hear me beg..." achievement?
Nighthawk6595 chapter 25 . 6/9/2020
That was epic and at least I finally read the first story to the sequel Guilty Sparks.
The P.B.G chapter 8 . 6/9/2020
Ah, just going back through my favourite Halo/ME Crossover.

Its better then some books I have read.

Also on a off note, I cannot remember or recall in the story, but did they get that Particle Beam prototype working? Its mentioned here they gave the 'plans' to the UNSC, but I forget if it ever came up again.

Would be interesting to see.
BigBadAud666 chapter 2 . 2/28/2020
These first 2 chapters reek heavily of plot armor and damage, They should’ve died several times now. (Shepard)
DevilGoblin99 chapter 5 . 12/20/2019
Kirk: (Holds tribbles near Korax. Tribbles hiss.) You're right, Mister Jones. They don't like Klingons. (Holds tribbles near Spock. Tribbles purr.) But they do like Vulcans. I didn't know you had it in you.
Spock: Obviously tribbles are very perceptive creatures, Captain.
Kirk: Obviously. (Holds tribbles near Baris. Tribbles purr.) Mister Baris, they like you. Well, there's no accounting for taste. (Holds tribbles near Darvin. Tribbles hiss.) They don't like you, Mister Darvin. I wonder why...
Dr. McCoy: (Walks up to Darwin and starts scanning him) Jim, this man’s a Klingon.
Kirk: Mr. Darvin, you want to talk?
Darvin: I have nothing to say. (1 second of having two trilling tribbles pushed a few inches closer to him) All right, I did it, I poisoned the grain, just take them away!
FrostenByte chapter 14 . 12/5/2019
If I could describe this fanfic with one word, it'd be disappointing. I'm on chapter 14 and I keep reading and hoping that it get's better, but it never seems to. While it has some good concepts, constant grammar, syntax and punctuation issues lowers the quality of the great moments, while making the mediocre moments a chore to read. I've found myself skipping a lot of the combat dialogue at this point since so much of it is repetitive or even boring at times, the same descriptions repeat themselves over and over. The biggest thing the writer can do at this point, would be to get a beta reader to look over their work before the update it. If the descriptions and story progression cannot be improved, simple language and sentence issues should be fixed.
Hz chapter 25 . 9/24/2019
Great story loved it continuing on to the next
BigDame77 chapter 2 . 7/20/2019
Have written where Master Chief and Commander Shepherd and the Normandy meet Captain Cutter of the Spirit of Fire and Atriox of the Bannished?
taintedahab chapter 18 . 6/20/2019
Is it me or is the Inquisitor really chatty for a Reaper?
taintedahab chapter 13 . 6/20/2019
Love the shout outs to Aliens. I always wondered why they don’t just reuse the thermal clips. I mean I understand why in the game for balance purpose but when you’re in a static defense situation you should be able to reuse expended ones when they cool down.
Mend1cant Bias chapter 1 . 5/26/2019
Wank fics are bad, you should feel bad for making this monstrosity
RNG 117 chapter 16 . 5/24/2019
After reading this chapter and playing ME3, I’m just thinkingDamn, Grunt must be hungry”.
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