Reviews for When There Was a Tomorrow
Schazmen chapter 25 . 4/28/2019
Wow. Just... Wow. I'm not all that well-versed in the Halo games, but I totally bought the characterizations you gave the Haloverse's characters. And I liked Kreave, too! This was incredibly well-written!
Hamilton406 chapter 2 . 12/15/2018
I was interested but UNSC and covenant tech is way better then mass effect tech. No way the Normandy can go against a covenant ship.
sherk chapter 8 . 9/27/2018
Wom1 chapter 3 . 7/21/2018
I'll admit i'm only at ch 3 so far but I want to put my thoughts down before I forget. My biggest problem with Ch1 wasn't how easily the elites died it was that alot of it was done in melee, both in book and in game elites are extremly strong and quite good at melee but here we see shepard and co punching them to death with no problem, i can see grunt killing them because hes a krogan and a particularly big one at that. Second you called a plasma rifle semi automatic when it's fully automatic. A third thing i noticed is I don't remember the Covenant even knowing their ship has an AI and they were definetly not captured UNSC AIs partly because of the Cole protocol and because they seem to have come with the tech. The final issue is just how the two tech bases are interacting because ME is a very low power universe, the Halo MAC cannons actually outpowering most ME main guns based on projectile speed and size, besides that a ME dreadnaught is only about 1km in length and the Citadel is below 20km in length so it just seems there being overly casual about sizes, part of that is in ME bigger ships need an exponentially bigger core and ezzo is very expensive which is why the Destiny Ascension is such a symbol for the asari as it was faboulsly expensive to construct so such large ships would be prohibitively expensive.

Don't get me wrong im liking this story alot it's just theres some issues I keep seeing.
Justin Davis chapter 19 . 7/17/2018
Lance Curry chapter 1 . 5/19/2018
You did great, but I don't ship Shepard and Tali. I ship Shepard and Miranda, as well as Garrus and Tali.
Guest chapter 25 . 4/20/2018
“Spartans never die, they just go to hell and regroup!”
PandaGX chapter 1 . 2/26/2018
Interesting story, but I have to agree with other reviewers. The science is HEAVILY in favor of Mass Effect. Mass Effect technology may be advance(in its own way), but that doesn’t mean powerful. Halo, UNSC, technology is simple, but very powerful. The Covenant is simply more advance than all other factions and more powerful.
websplorer chapter 2 . 10/23/2017
Not bad, but I seriously doubt no members of the Normandy crew were killed in the raid, badass crew or not. The entire fight seems one sided, apart for that scene with the needler, the Covenant seemed underpowered. Also, Elites are almost ad strong ad Spartans, so I would expect at least some bruises and broken bones.
DocHoliday0316 chapter 25 . 10/20/2017
For the past two weeks or so, I have read through this story. And I have to say that its been a hell of an experience (and I mean that in a good way). This fic was well written, with great character interactions and some really awesome fight scenes. And I really loved your take on Commander Shepard, with him being a Paragon Vangard (which is what I played as during my play through of the Mass Effect trilogy).

The only real bad things that I can say about this fic are the occasional spelling or grammar error, and some chapters kind of dragged along and I personally that some chapters could have been split into smaller chapters. But that's just me.

I'm about to move onto the fic's sequel, Guilty Sparks, and I am looking forward to it and the rest of the series. Like I said, it's some awesome stuff.
Deltoren chapter 1 . 9/19/2017
Sorry got to say i cant read this anymore. The author has almost no actual knowledge of the haloverse. And if he does he gives it massive nerfs. Just to many things wrong. Its like shepardis vs easy mode covenant where heroic mode is mire accurate
Deltoren chapter 2 . 9/19/2017
Sorry no way jack overpowered an elite by forcing its own gun in its face while grappling. Early on in the masterchiefs carreer he had to do the same thing and he almost lost. I feel like you might be sucking the mass effect universes dick a bit hard
Deltoren chapter 1 . 9/19/2017
Sorry no way kasumi small as she is is gonna break an elites jaw with one punch. The elite breaking her jaw on the other hand
Deltoren chapter 2 . 9/19/2017
Ok only have one problem. Elites are a bit weaker then spartans and spartans are like 10x stronger then humans and shepard just caught a kick from an elote with ease. Yeahhhhh no
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