Reviews for When There Was a Tomorrow
Bill the Abomination chapter 2 . 4/14/2011
Please update soon!
na chapter 1 . 4/14/2011
The one thing that bothers me is your use of shields. The normandy has kinetic barriers which only stop physical weapons such as a bullet. They would do nothing against plasma.
I have a jar of dirt chapter 2 . 4/14/2011
Awesome story! Over 18000 words per chapter and you still got me hooked! Very nicely written and good portrayal of all the characters.
GodzillaMaster chapter 2 . 4/14/2011
Dude, the only thing I have to say about this story is that it's f***ing awesome! :D

Hopefully the wait for the next chapter won't be a long one.
Beast chapter 2 . 4/14/2011
Amazing story and brilliant writing . I do love the spacebattle scene . However you have Humans and other asari and drell punching elites and hurting them . Elites are physcial equals to Spartan II's a human hitting them wouldn't hurt them . The Krogan vs Elites I can understand Krogans and Elites would be near equal in strength but Krogans would win because of their extreme durability. Elites should be more intimidating really a 8ft6 alien that can throw people across rooms should seem more scary , you got the grunts spot on though , gas guzzelers hahahhahah awesome nickname.
Gilgamesh The King of Heroes chapter 2 . 4/14/2011
Personally I think your douing a very good job so far msot Halo/mass effect crossovers end up with the Mass Effect universe being hopelessly outmatched by the unstoppable Halo universe weapons but you are doing a fairly decent job of keeping things even.
redskin122004 chapter 2 . 4/14/2011
Great story, very funny at times, i can actually see this taking place.
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