Reviews for The Mating Connection
20000 WPM chapter 39 . 2/28/2021
Thank you for making it real. Charlie's and Renee's pain should not be diminished. They have lost their only child forever. Your story does a very good job of not sugar coating their devastation.
20000 WPM chapter 25 . 2/27/2021
I see you are correcting all the things that were hard to take in the books. Emmett did not deserve how he was treated. It was obvious that Rose would leave him to be human and able to have babies.
20000 WPM chapter 22 . 2/27/2021
I love that your Bella is actually thinking about what becoming a vampire and having Charlie believe she is dead would do to him. I always disliked that Book Bella did not consider Charlie more in the books. Charlie was alone before she came back home. He was still carrying a torch for Renee. He had lost the wife he loved, probably still loved. To lose his only child would be devastating. It is not a decision to be taken lightly. Of Course she will choose Edward, as she should. That is what children do. They grow up and make their own life, choose their own happiness. Even if she stayed human, she could move far enough away that she would seldom see him. Before she moved back to Forks she only saw him a couple week a year. Choosing her soul mate as her future makes more sense than choosing her parents but to not consider them at all seems wrong.
pinkshoes81 chapter 25 . 2/23/2021
Bravo to Bella calling Rosalie out on all that. About time it was said and I'm glad no one stepped in. X
Guest chapter 18 . 2/7/2021
Edwards family needs to mind their own fucking business. Edward is older than all but one of them yet they seem to think they can run his fucking life.
Alice interferes constantly even when told not to. Gets asked for help, is denied because there are things he needs to do on his own. What a hypocritical bitch. I would have walked away from her and refused to speak to her until she promised to stop interfering completely unless asked.
Guest chapter 17 . 2/7/2021
And I’m out. They could easily explain this shit. But the writer is having them drag this shit out for chapters for stupid drama. You have the cullens literally torturing Edward and Bella with their stupid shit. And they all seem to think it’s funny. Anyone who says that is live is an idiot. You don’t torture or purposefully cause emotional distress to those you love and care about. THATS WHAT YOU DO TO ENEMIES YOU FUCKING MORONS! Anyone who takes delight in causing shame, humiliation, embarrassment, etc to someone they care about is an evil psychopath or is lying out their ass about caring for the person. The thought of causing pain to the one you love should be anathema. Impossible to even consider. If you can willingly harm someone and even find it pleasurable or funny, you don’t love them.
Guest chapter 16 . 2/7/2021
Your version of emmet seems nothing more than a bully who delights in causing suffering from shame and embarrassment. Guess the cullens are just as dysfunctional as everyone else. Alice who controls, hides secrets and important information and manipulates people. Emmet, the heartless bully who only cares about his own jollies. Rose, the narcissistic bitch who cares for nothing but her own vain self. (Guess her and emmet are a good match). Jasper who seems unable to just let people feel and deal with their issues instead smothering everyone from strong emotions of any sort. Carlisle, the condescending prick who has to be in control of everything. (In canon he says he loves Bella like a daughter but him and the rest of the family dropped her like garbage at the drop of a hat). Esme, the mothering one but never actually disciplines issues.
And before anyone gets on the Jacob bandwagon, I wish Edward had killed him off pretty quick in canon. That shitstain caused nothing but problems.
Guest chapter 8 . 2/7/2021
He’s over 100 years old. Grow the fuck up you whiney angsty bitch.
TinkaPrime chapter 25 . 1/3/2021
Sequel finally defense for Emmet I always thought the family was left too unexplored, I love ficus and scenes like this
nizzyna chapter 25 . 7/25/2020
Poor, Em...
nizzyna chapter 7 . 7/24/2020
I really love this story! Especially how much you see of Edward and Alice’s sibling hood. I love their closeness and how Alice is always their to guide Edward and answer his questions but she’s not controlling or overbearing about it, just helpful.

And the way Edward and Bella’s relationship is progressing is sooo adorable, all their interactions have me smiling and giddy. Also I’m so glad Edward dealt with Mike and Bella didn’t react badly. They’re too perfect for each other!
Gemm13 chapter 17 . 6/18/2020
Go Bella!
Kayozm chapter 4 . 5/14/2020
And so, does that mean he recognises what that electric current means?
Kayozm chapter 3 . 5/14/2020
Just found this today thanks to a rec by Everleigh Allen in The Journals. Looks interesting!
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