Reviews for Freeze, Thaw, Reheat
arthurfla chapter 52 . 2/4
please finish this great story
pherman015 chapter 52 . 1/16
This is so good. I am only disappointed it was never finished. Talent like yours should go on.
Vishw chapter 5 . 3/31/2022
I loved your one-shots but not sure I can enjoy this one no matter how good. Not a fan of this period on the show. Beckett using Josh for her physical needs and Rick for rest. And Rick letting her.
Bikchun chapter 52 . 6/25/2021
I really enjoyed your story. Thanks for sharing it.
Anarchicmind chapter 7 . 11/1/2020
Honestly, one of my favorite scenes from any Castle fan fiction, as pertaining to to Castle clan just being creative together anyway.

Until the later seasons, the Castle family scenes were always amongst my favorite.
HarmoSeriesAddict chapter 52 . 8/10/2020
Yours was one of the first fiction I've read on Castle... A few years later, I still njoy coming back to it... You probably won't ever finsih it (which is a shama) but I'll be there waiting if you ever do...
Daydreamer826 chapter 18 . 6/17/2020
I really liked the scene at Remy’s. I see it play in front of me. Well done!
Thebonesgirl33 chapter 52 . 7/12/2018
Look, I know its been a few years and there may never be another update or if you will even get this but I wanted to tell you just how much I love this story. Truly love it. It’s one I reread over and over. You got the character personalities spot on and your writing is fantastic. I read a lot of fanfic and I have my favorites, this on is one of them. Even if I don’t have it saved somewhere, I can always remember the name because I love t so much. I wrote fanfic for a little while and I understand the work that goes into it, what you have here is a masterpiece. I just only wish there was more. Anyway, I hope this gets to you and makes you smile like your fic has done for me. Thank you for this wonderful fanfic.
tvlover777 chapter 52 . 4/4/2018
can you please write more?! We need an ending!
HarryxGinnyPercyxAnnabeth4ever chapter 2 . 11/29/2017
I love this chapter! I especially like the part where it mentions that Alexis should receive recognition for her academic achievements and that shouldn't be diminished just because her father is well-off. It's always irritated me that if someone's parents are even just moderately successful, they won't get scholarships no matter how hard they work.
Guest chapter 52 . 11/24/2017
I really enjoyed your story but was a little disappointed in the ending; perhaps I just wanted more. Thanks for sharing.
helensorrento chapter 52 . 11/13/2017
Are you serious?Your leaving this story here!I sat here all morning reading this and waiting for them to take the next step and there is none!Loves the story though.
helensorrento chapter 52 . 9/27/2017
I read this story in one day,I can't believe you left it is the ending?
D3bbi3c chapter 52 . 6/19/2017
A very good story. I thoroughly enjoined it. Not sure if you completed it but it is still very, very, very good. If real life intervened then I hope that there was a positive outcome. I'm going to make you a favorite author just in case you decide to write again. Wishing you and your family the best.
D3bbi3c chapter 18 . 6/14/2017
I know this is an old story and you haven't written a lot of Castle stories but I must say that I am thoroughly enjoying this. I read where you didn't finish it but I guess real life got in the way so I won't complain. Maybe you will, one day, when your kids don't require as much of your time. Meanwhile I just wanted to thank you for this story. Castle is over and it still hurts but stories like this do help a bit. I will write my own ending in my head should you never finish it.
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